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Bicultural Awareness
September 4, 2012
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.
-Charles M. Schulz
In her article in the upcoming September issue of Exchange, "Preparing Bicultural, Bilingual Children to Succeed in School," Hazel Osborn observed...

"At a recent conference held at George Washington University, researcher and consultant Annice van der Sluis explained that bicultural awareness involves understanding how families apply social rules and behavior. Confronting a different culture, with different norms, opportunities, and values comes into sharp focus as families prepare to send their children to schools in the United States. Basic assumptions about what children should be able to do as they enter schools often differ from the family’s perspective. In the U.S., many children are expected to be independent and self-reliant. In other cultures, these traits may be seen as a disadvantage, even dangerous. For example, in cultures where food has been scarce in the past, children may be fed by an adult until the age of four or even later. In the U.S., this might be seen as coddling or holding the child back rather than preserving the food supply from spillage or waste. Early childhood educators need to understand the values and experiences that inform parents’ thinking before assessing the child’s development and needs. We must make an effort to understand and respect the family’s perspective in order to truly understand and serve the child."

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