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And the Winners Are...
September 3, 2012
Impossible things are simply those which so far have never been done.
-Elbert Hubbard

This summer we ran a contest with the goal of bringing in new subscribers to ExchangeEveryDay. Prizes were offered for the individuals who referred the most new ExchangeEveryDay subscribers. The four Grand Prize winners who received their choice of a complete set of Out of the Box Training Kits or a complete set of Beginnings Workshop units were....

  • Brenda Cooper from Pahiatua, New Zealand
  • Maria Doherty from Limerick, Ireland
  • Cheryl Smith from San Marcos, Texas
  • Theresa - to be confirmed

In addition, 40 other individuals won the Honorable Mention Prize of a $100 Exchange gift certificate. 

$4 Each For 24 Hours Only!

Enter Code "beginnings4" when prompted.

Exchange Press has 120 16-page Beginnings Workshop units, each addressing a specific early childhood curriculum topic in-depth. For two days only, all Beginnings Workshop units are on sale for $4 each!

View and Purchase Titles

(Offer applies to PDF only. Sale ends 05/04/2016 11:59 pm PDT)


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ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Sandra Malmquist · September 03, 2012
Creating Kids at the Connecticut Children's Museum
New Haven, CT, United States

The article is fine, as always! This comment is about the ad to the right of the article by SSGA. This little girl doesn't look like a little girl in a childcare center playing dress up but rather like a beauty pageant kid. Not at all cool.

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