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Permission to Take Risks
August 22, 2012
Regardless of the changes in technology, the market for well-crafted messages will always have an audience.
-Steve Burnett
In the special July/August 2012 issue of Exchange focused on creativity, Betty Jones contributed a thought-provoking article, "Give Ourselves Permission to Take Risks."  In introducing this article she observed...

"Well-behaved children and adults, in many communities, don’t think for themselves.  Their parents and their teachers have trained them to do what they’re told — and they do.  That keeps life predictable for everyone.
"Thinkers may come up with new ideas.  New ideas threaten the status quo — the way things are supposed to be.  Thinkers who come up with big ideas can get in serious trouble.  To have ideas is risky.  To act on ideas is even riskier.  

"What's a risk?  It’s when you don’t know what will happen when you take action.  Risks can be little or big, calculated or stupid.  In an era when more people live longer and healthier and more comfortably than ever before, our society seems to have become addicted to ‘risk-free’ as a goal.  If something bad happens, there’s a quick search for someone to blame — and to sue....  But risk management, not risk prevention, is the only realistic survival strategy.  In an era of bubble-wrapped babies and nature-deprivation, we need to remember that growth is risky — and it needs to be.  

"Every new idea carries risks — and the challenge to face them and see what will happen.  Nobody becomes smart, creative, self-confident, and respectful of others without taking risks — remaining open to possibilities and acting on them....  We can enjoy that process, or let it ­terrify us."

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Comments (1)

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geeta bhatt · August 22, 2012
the grand child care center
chicago, IL, United States

Calculated risk is key to success. In this G.P.S. era, we look up for each and every aspect and then make calculated move, we are sure to succeed.. Jumping in an unknown water with eyes closed is NOT an adventure... Yes, human nature is such that we always look for comfort and stress free life. So, to motivate ourselves to do something new or adventures and get out of cocoon , we need to have a bigger picture of LIFE where we can see ten years from now - if you take this rout you will be doing this- or there - if you choose the other route.. Again, this is calculated risk... But it's risk management
I sure like the article... I read the whole. I like the fresh ideas.. and it has started me talking... thinking about THAT moment in my life when I took risk in this foreign land to open up a brand new day care center where there was once a warehouse .. Very proud to celebrate it's 25th anniversary this year....

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