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Life Lessons
August 8, 2012
Materials seem to have their own inner life and their own story to tell. Yet they can only be transformed through their encounter with people.
-Lella Gandini and Judith Allen Kaminsky
"What's one lesson kids of all ages could benefit from knowing?" Psychology Today (March 2012) posed this question to members of their editorial community, and here are some of their answers:

Maureen Healy:  "Be honest.  It may sound simple, but it takes courage to do the right thing when no one is watching and to tell the truth even when it isn't celebrated."

Glen Alperin:  "Rather than shun people for acting in ways you can't explain, ask questions about their behavior.  You may discover they're deploying an ingenious coping strategy to a challenge you weren't even aware of."

Marilyn Price-Mitchell:  "Understand the role of challenge and hardship in life, and know that success is measured through effort rather than grades, test scores, or life status.  Children grow intellectually and emotionally when they overcome obstacles, learn from mistakes, and experience the valleys as well as the pinnacles of success."

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Voices on DVD Titles Include:


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