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Ten Pillars of Good Childhood
August 6, 2012
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-Steve Jobs
The Association for Childhood Education International, a member of the World Forum Alliance, is promoting Ten Pillars of Good Childhood as the basis for their "Decade for Childhood" campaign:

  1. Safe and secure places for living and learning and access to health care, clothing, and nutritious food.

  2. Strong families and loving, consistent caregivers.

  3. Social interactions and friendship.

  4. Creative play and physical activity.

  5. Appreciation and stewardship of the natural environment.

  6. Creative expression through music, dance, drama, and other arts.

  7. Education that develops the full capacities of the child — cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and ethical.

  8. Supportive, nurturing, child-friendly communities.

  9. Growing independence and decision making.

  10. Children and youth participating in community life.

Hearing Everyone’s Voice
50% Off!  Today Only!

Hearing Everyone's Voice is a collaborative manual which coordinates stories and songs around the tehem of building democratic community with young children.  Democratic practice includes concerns of peace and justice, caring about and inclusion of others, relationships and power.  Participation in this work crosses many barriers including age, ethnicity, class, culture, gender, and others as we do our best to learn from one another about hte many good wasy to really hear each other.

This manual includes sections which contain theoretical discussions around children's social development, program ideas and strategies, children's issues in their own voices and images, obstacles for adults to overcome, and many resources including organizations, children's and adult books, video and audio resources, and an appendix with supplemental information and program examples.

"Hearing Everyone's Voice is a MUST HAVE resource guide for adults filled with many practical straegies addressing how young people can learn to live together.  Through examples of stories, music, poetry, cooperative games, and the integration of three curriculums - Peace Education, Anti-Bias/Diversity Awareness, and Democratic Practice - one has the rationale plus encouragement to put inot practices concepts of social equality."

~Marilyn Pearce, First Grade Teacher and Peace Camp Volunteer

Learn More and Purchase!

(Sale ends 11:59 PST, 11/25/2014)



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