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Play Day in UK
August 1, 2012
The art of communication is the language of leadership.
-James Humes
Last Friday all eyes were on London as athletes from 204 countries participated in the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics.  [Many members of the World Forum community sent messages saying this event brought back memories of the World Forum.]  Now as athletes from around world compete throughout the United Kingdom, families and early childhood professionals there are celebrating National Play Day. According to World Forum National Representative Laura Henry, "Play Day is a celebration of children's right to play, and a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children's lives."  You can learn more about National Play Day, and view photos of past Play Days, at the Play Day website.

On a more global scale, play advocates celebrate World Play Day, created by the International Toy Library Association in 1999, every May 28. You can read a good overview about World Play Day at www.delawarechildrensmuseum.org/world-play-day.

And, you can learn more about the World Forum Working Group, World Play, at the World Forum website.

Exchange Play Tool Kit

Exchange has packaged five of its play resources into a single "Play Tool Kit" and is offering the entire set at a discount - separately these resources would cost $104.95, but we are offering the entire Tool Kit for only $84. Resources in the kit include:

  • Advocating For Play
  • Beginnings Workshop Book - Play
  • Big Body Play
  • Promoting the Value of Play CD Book
  • The Play's the Thing


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Comments (2)

Displaying All 2 Comments
Sandi · August 01, 2012
Seattle, United States

This is a fun way to advocate for the kids to be able to be outside enjoying fresh air and sunshine or rain or indoors (if the heat index prohibits outdoor play) being rambunctious.

I'd love to get this going in our area and in my school so next year it would be great to get the heads up about it a month ahead.

Thanks for promoting this wonderful day to play (but aren't they all)?

Diana Suskind · August 01, 2012
International Consultant
Leominster, MA, United States

Some ideas to incorporate children's understanding of Olympics 2012 and children's play.
For the 2008 Olympics, Children of HEMS School, Kathmandu Nepal created their own HEMS Olympics. We had the real Nepalese torch, real previous Olympians spoke and gave out the medals. The older children taught the younger children about specific games. If interested check out HEMS Olympics Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube. It might give you some great ideas to adapt. Go Olympics!

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