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Stress-Proof Your Day
July 31, 2012
It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.
-Publilius Syrus
Feeling a lot of stress lately? Psychology Today offered a series of steps to stress-proof your day including...

Reinvent a negative experience.  "Say you leave your headphones in the car when you go to the gym.  Interpret the return trip to the car not as an irritant but as a chance to warm up...."

Give to someone else.  "Doing something nice for others can make you happier and calmer."

Build social support.  "Brain scans show that the same circuitry fires up when we feel emotional pain as when we feel physical pain.  But that circuitry is slower to react in those with greater social support in their lives."

Notice at least one good thing you experience each day
.  "Then make it real by telling someone about it or writing it down."

Alice Honig's insightful book, Little Kids, Big Worries: Stress-Busting Tips for Early Childhood Classrooms, is now available from Exchange.  Research shows that stress in the crucial early years of a child's life can pose dramatic, lasting challenges to development, learning, and behavior.  This is the practical book early childhood professionals need to recognize stress in young children — and intervene with proven relief strategies before pressures turn into big problems.  Developed by celebrated early childhood expert Alice Sterling Honig, Little Kids, Big Worries: Stress-Busting Tips for Early Childhood Classrooms helps readers address the most common causes of stress in a young child's life, including separation anxiety, bullying, jealousy, and family circumstances.


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