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Focus on the Positive
July 26, 2012
Some people skate to the puck. I skate to where the puck is going to be.
-Wayne Gretzky
In his book Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Steffen Saifer offers this advice when dealing with children with behavior problems:

"Feel positive toward the child with behavior problems.  View him as a valuable gift, as he will provide you with an opportunity to learn a great deal. You may learn about the causes of behavior problems, new approaches for helping, the nature of your own biases, new parenting skills, and the availability of community agencies and resources.  He will provide you with a chance to help turn a life around for the better. 

"A child with challenging behaviors also can help you improve your program.  A highly active child may be the first (or the only one) to let you know that your activity is boring.  A child who cries often can tell you that you may not have enough inviting things to do (he probably has too much time to think about his unhappiness).  Although you may feel that this challenging child has come into your life just to make you miserable, he has not.  He is acting the best and the only way he knows.  Understanding the challenging child will help you feel positive, empathetic, and loving towards him, which may be the single most important thing you can do to reduce the behaviors.

Find solutions quickly and easily! This updated classic offers hundreds of tested solutions for the tricky problems, questions, and concerns that are part of every early childhood teacher's day. New topics include:

  • Working with English-language learners
  • Helping children deal with traumatic life events
  • Assessment and accountability
  • Working with mixed-age groups
  • Using computers in the classroom

Each chapter also includes an updated resource list, as well as a list of web-based resources. For beginning and experienced teachers alike, this "how-to" book on classroom management is like having your own counselor in the classroom.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Shahidullah Sharif · July 26, 2012
ECD Resource Center, IED, BRAC University
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

I read this book. I astonished when I see the writing shortly from the book. i would say, Every ECD professional should read it. I also know Steffen Saifer as my teacher. He is is a great person. I wish to read his more article and books.

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