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Child-Initiated vs Adult-Directed
July 27, 2012
Children make you want to start life over.
-Muhammad Ali
In her article in the Beginnings Workshop article collection, "The Intentional Teacher," Ann Epstein observes that the intentional teacher needs to balance both child-initiated and adult-directed activities.

Intentional teachers support child-guided learning when children:
  • Investigate how things work by actively ­exploring materials, actions, and ideas
  • Establish relationships on their own
  • Turn to one another for assistance
  • Are motivated to solve problems on their own
  • Are so focused that adult intervention would interrupt them
  • Challenge themselves and one another to ­master new skills
  • Apply and extend existing knowledge in new ways

Intentional teachers use adult-guided learning when children:
  • Are unaware their actions may be unsafe or hurtful
  • Have not encountered materials or experiences elsewhereCannot create systems of knowledge (e.g., letter names)
  • Are not aware of something likely to interest them (e.g., the smell of flowers)
  • Do not engage with something they need for further learning (e.g., shape names in ­geometry)
  • Ask for information or help, especially after ­trying several unsuccessful solutions on their own

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Exchange Press has 120 16-page Beginnings Workshop units, each addressing a specific early childhood curriculum topic in-depth. For two days only, all Beginnings Workshop units are on sale for $4 each!

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