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Who, Me, a Leader?
July 25, 2012
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
-John F. Kennedy
Debra Sullivan is a cheerleader for teachers as leaders in her book, Learning to Lead: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children.  She points out that good teachers make good leaders:

"Faced with a situation that demands leadership, a good teacher will often display the characteristics and skills of a good leader.  Like any other leader, the teacher understands that change is inevitable and that there will always be challenges.  Both teacher and leader see the opportunities and benefits in taking risks and learning from past mistakes.  Both constantly reflect on their actions and beliefs and think about the results and consequences of each.  Both teacher and leader understand the importance of teaching, learning, and achieving as part of a community.  These basic dispositions add to the creation of an environment in which learning and leading happen naturally, developmentally.  As you develop as a leader, pay attention to the characteristics, skills, and behaviors you use as a teacher and think about how this impacts your effectiveness."

The Good website will be providing a small grant to an organization which uses technology to help their community thrive. One key factor in the awarding of this grant will be votes collected. We would very much appreciate your vote for the World Forum before noon July 26. The voting process is a bit complicated...

1. Go to: http://technology.maker.good.is/projects/worldforumfriends

2. Click on the "Vote for this Idea" button.

3. You will be asked to create a Good account or to login using Facebook.

4. After you have logged in, close this window and watch for the Good email where you can click on a link to confirm your vote.

Thank you!



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