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Fanatic Discipline
July 10, 2012
What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things.
-Margaret Mead
In his article "Three Leadership Skills that Count" published in Harvard Business Review (October 20, 2011), Morten Hansen listed "fanatic discipline" as one of the skills needed by leaders in an uncertain climate.  He explained...

"Discipline can mean many things -- working hard, following rules, being obedient, and so on.  We mean something else:  The best-performing leaders ... exhibit discipline as consistency of action -- consistency with values, long-term goals, and performance standards; consistency of method; and consistency over time.  It involves rejecting conventional wisdom, hype, and the madness of crowds -- essentially being a nonconformist."

Check Out Targeted Leadership

Targeted Leadership — Building a Team That Hits the Mark takes complex leadership principles and presents them in a way that is easy to understand and put into action. This is an essential resource for leaders to use when polishing their skills, as well as fostering them in their staff members. Targeted Leadership tackles concepts such as hiring, supervising, and firing. It also provides a step-by-step approach to finding and retaining the team you have always desired. This book includes a CD-ROM with printable handouts for training or classroom use.


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