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Measure Up Monster
November 4, 2010
I become an agent of change only to the degree that I begin to live to help things go right rather than simply to correct things that are going wrong.
-The Arbinger Institute
In her article "Managing the 'Measure Up Monster'," in the latest issue of Exchange, Debra Sullivan describes this beast as the pressure you put on yourself to excel when someone stimulates you with flattery or challenges you by expressing doubts about your ability.  Debra offers a number of strategies for managing the measure up monster including these...
  • Accept the fact that you cannot be perfect all the time and you may not be successful all the time, but you can strive to do better all the time.  Effective leaders know that failure is just another step toward success.  Learn from your failures and imperfections and use that information to do better next time.
  • Don’t be afraid of high expectations — yours or theirs.  Just remember that ‘high’ is a relative term.  Expectations should be high enough to encourage motivation and perseverance, but not so high that success is perceived as unachievable.  Effective leaders know that mediocrity is not an option. 

Learning to Lead: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children by Debra Sullivan is written for early childhood teachers at all levels. It combines accessible leadership theory and practice with important topics and issues such as human development, diversity, anti-bias, work with families, and social change. Each chapter is built around a combination of theories, examples, and reflection questions — all designed to prompt self-evaluation and personal leadership development.


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