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Five Keys to New Teacher Success
April 25, 2007
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Given the challenge it is to recruit qualified teachers, it pays to invest considerable effort in retaining the good teachers that you do find. Here are five tips for supporting new teachers in the early days from Lynn Howard from her book Ready for Anything (New York: Advanced Learning Press, 2006), which, though written about public school teachers, have applicability in early childhood settings:

1. Never let them feel isolated. New teachers want to know that they are not alone as they struggle to learn to manage and organize a classroom. Take time to share refreshments, have discussions, trade your stories of success, and build excitement and energy at every opportunity;

2. Be visible �" every day. Many new teachers say that visibility and personal interaction with the principal is the number one factor that would make the difference in their decision to stay or leave a particular school. Visiting classrooms regularly, promoting success, and allowing time for discussion and questions are powerful motivators for beginning teachers;

3. Provide the skills and knowledge needed for their success. All new teachers want help with classroom management, building relationships, strategic planning with lesson design, observations and evaluations and testing. Provide new teachers with step-by-step strategies and activities that build both confidence and competence;

4. Allow time for growth and reflection. Knowing what works and what does not allows new teachers to identify areas of growth and strength while determining specific areas that need improvement; and

5. Celebrate! Learning to teach is a long process and celebrating small, incremental steps is one way to recognize growth and achievement. Write positive notes, provide special treats or just say "Thank You" for coming to school. The rewards in teaching are often intrinsic and we must recognize the little things that happen every day that make school a good place to be.

Beginnings Books On Sale!

You can buy all seven Beginnings Books �" covering curriculum topics such as literacy, play, art, drama, math, child development, science, drama, and behavior �" for only $139 �" that's a 17% saving!


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Comments (9)

Displaying 5 of 9 Comments   [ View all ]
Cristal Varner · March 08, 2019
Kindergrove Preschool and Children's Center
Rogers, AR, United States

Everyone likes to know they are supported in what they do every day. Feeling like part of a good team and that the admin will follow through with what they say they are going to do makes people want to give back to the company and program they are serving. It means a lot to know that if they need help, they have it.

Bobbi Clayton · February 12, 2018
Dumas, Arkansas, United States

Having a mentor teacher is a great idea! Employees can become more confident in their job performance.

Bobbi Clayton · February 12, 2018
Dumas, Arkansas, United States

It's so very important for new employees to know that their supervisor is there to support them as person and the role that they have been placed in. By doing this helps the employee become confident and allows them to do their job in a much less stressful way.

Bobbi Clayton · February 12, 2018
Dumas, Arkansas, United States

New teachers need to feel that they are a part of the team and knowing their supervisor is there to support them in their role as a caregiver. By doing this allows less stress for the employee as well as the children in care.

Jody Keen · November 17, 2015
Discovery Childrens Center
Crossett, Arkansas, United States

With new staff coming in, I have learned that the more time you spend with them and guiding them in what your expectations are, leaves them less stressed. The more comfortable they are doing their job, will also help with staff morale.

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