What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.
-Martina Horner
The American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC) has identified basic assumptions and guiding principles for identifying and evaluating web-based courses and non-formal education programs. ADEC guidelines address web-based learning environments that are designed for distance as well as face-to-face students.
ADEC Basic Assumptions
- The principles that lend themselves to quality face-to-face learning environments are often similar to those found in web-based learning environments.
- With all forms of media converging to a digital platform, advanced educational technology may include a variety of learning environments and information appliances.
- While rapidly emerging technologies offer unlimited potential for virtual learning environments for both face-to-face as well as distance learners, practical application of existing technologies may often prove highly effective for various audiences and objectives.
ADEC Principles
- The learning experience must have a clear purpose with tightly focused outcomes and objectives.
- The learner is actively engaged.
- The learning environment makes appropriate use of a variety of media.
- Learning environments must include problem-based as well as knowledge-based learning.
- Learning experiences should support interaction and the development of communities of interest.
- The practice of distance learning contributes to the larger social mission of education and training in a democratic society.
ADEC Characteristics of quality web-based teaching and learning:
- Fosters meaning-making, discourse
- Moves from knowledge transmission to learner-controlled systems
- Provides for reciprocal teaching
- Is learner-centered
- Encourages active participation, knowledge construction
- Based on higher level thinking skills �" analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
- Promotes active learning
- Allows group collaboration and cooperative learning
- Provides multiple levels of interaction
- Focuses on real-world problem solving
Read the complete text of the ADEC Guiding Principles
Contributed by Chip Donohue
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