Judy Watts, a heroic champion for children, passed away in her New Orleans home on April 7, 2015 after a long and well-fought battle with Alzheimer's.
Judy was a tireless advocate for children starting with her involvement in the Teacher Resource Service and the Sarah Allen Child Development Program. She next established the Child Care Training Program at St Mark's Community Center, which began her interest in the fight for quality child care and her abiding desire to provide an independent voice for Louisiana's children. Along with a group of dedicated child advocates, Judy established Agenda for Children in 1984. Agenda came to address a diverse set of children's issues from early childcare and education to healthcare, child poverty, and child abuse prevention. Judy was a valued and formidable voice for children in the Louisiana legislature and well known on the national level as both a clear-headed strategist and compassionate visionary. Judy was a great friend of Exchange and assisted us with many endeavors, such co-sponsoring with Exchange a Spa Day for New Orleans teachers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Judy was also the pianist and organist at St. Mark's United Methodist Church for over 30 years and was an active member there.
The family requests donations be made to St. Mark's United Methodist Church Homeless Ministries at www.frenchquarterumc.org or to the Alzheimer's Research Center at www.alz.org.
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Comments (12)
Displaying All 12 CommentsNew Orleans, LA, United States
Thank you for this tribute to my dear mother. She was a very special woman and left behind a special legacy.
United States
Wow, everyone. It's an automatically generated quote that they apologized for and changed. It's doesn't seem like they planned to put that quote in! It was a mistake - have some compassion. What if you were the person that let that slip through? How would you feel right now?
The way everyone is focusing on that instead of the wonderful woman in the actual article is terrible. It was an oversight - something that happens to everyone. Please get past Bill Cosby and celebrate the life of an amazing woman, who did so much for children.
Rainbow Rising
United States
Unfortunate quote selection. Cosby seemed to have other things that occupied his interest. Not a man that should be believed or quoted about anything. Thanks for taking it down. God Bless Judy for her dedication and work.
Université de Saint-Boniface
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Considering the severity of this lapse in judgment, I would suggest that you send apologies and corrections to all subscribers. I do hope to see that in tomorrow's eblast.
United States
As editor of ExchangeEveryDay I personally apologize for the inclusion of the quote from Bill Cosby in today's message. Quotes are selected months in advance and assigned randomly. However, we did have 48 hours to review and replace the quote and failed to do so. We should never have included this quote and will replace it in the archives with a more appropriate one. It is especially unfortunate to have this quote appear in the story about Judy Watts, a dear friend and courageous champion for children.
United States
Out of all the people, living and dead, you could quote you choose Bill Cosby? Of course he is innocent until proven guilty but maybe embargo his pearls of wisdom until his many, many allegations of rape are resolved?
Bright Horizons
Houston, Texas, United States
Please don't use quotes from Bill Cosby - he is no longer someone we should look to for wisdom.
Spirit Child Yoga and ECE
Aurora, ON, Canada
Bill Cosby? Seriously?
CHESHIRE, Connecticut, United States
How can you include a quote by Bill Cosby knowing the accusations of numerous women against him?
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
I remember Judy Watts from my days at NACCRRA (now Child Care Aware/America) - she was my contact person in Louisiana. I am reaching an age at which a lot of people much younger than I are dying; it is always a real sense of loss. At the ECE History Seminar at NAEYC's Annual Conference, we salute in memorium those early childhood leaders who have died since the last NAEYC. We will remember Judy. --Edna
Spirit Child Yoga and ECE
Aurora, ON, Canada
I loved his comedy, especially as a child but cannot imagine why you are using Bill Cosby's quote. There is an awful lot of smoke for there not to be fire. So many other sages from whom to find wise words.
new york, United States
Really??? Quoting Bill Cosby????
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