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Head Start Shutdown Solution
October 14, 2013
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-John Cleese

The shutdown of the federal government, on top of the recent sequestration fiasco, had deprived nearly 80,000 children of access to Head Start services.  In addition, many other Head Start programs were also at threat of shutdown for not being able to access the funds already allocated to them because of issues with the HHS electronic payment system.

However, Yasmina Vinci, Executive Director of the National Head Start Association announced that as of October 9...

"... all Head Start programs but one, are open and serving children and families.  To a large degree, this is because on Friday afternoon, we received confirmation that a philanthropic couple — Laura and John Arnold, were generously willing to provide, from their personal funds, $10 million to keep the Head Start doors open for programs that did not have access to other funds.  All but $50,000 of the money is to be distributed to the neediest programs....

"A few county agencies, Community Action Programs, and school districts and one state have also been able to find funds with which to keep the doors of their respective Head Start programs open.  Our small staff worked through the weekend and nights pulling together a system for reaching out to closed and closing programs, processing requests for funds, signing grant agreements, and disbursing the funds to the neediest programs."

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World Forum 2014

World Forum Registrations Are About to Close

Two regions of the world -- North America and Oceania -- are about to fill their quota of registrations for the 2014 World Forum in Early Care and Education. In both regions, less than 30 spaces remain available.

Expose yourself to widely diverse perspectives and approaches to the care and education of young children. Join over 800 of your peers from over 80 nations at this important event. You will change others; you will be changed. 

For more information and to register, visit www.WorldForumFoundation.org or call
(206) 673-2608.

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Comments (7)

Displaying All 7 Comments
Monica · October 16, 2013
Salisbury, Maryland, United States

It is ironic how a nation that wants to protect the rights of others in various parts of the world show very little cares for it's own nation. I guess no child left behind was a joke. Or maybe just empty government words. Special thanks to those who have given personal funds to help keep their local Head Starts a float.

Edna Ranck · October 16, 2013
Washington, District of Columbia, United States

I too appreciate the gift from the Arnolds. BUT...I want to echo Yasmina's statement above and in the October 9, New York Times that it is in no way a sustainable solution. Head Start children and families are not the only people affected; in fact, it is the entire country. The members of Congress who have caused this very serious problem are actually ignoring the American way of making decisions and are bringing serious grief to many because of their petty behavior. (Don't insult children by calling it "childish.") Let your members of Congress (I don't have any) know that you are very disappointed in the minority that brought about much disappointment, disregard, danger, and serious difficulty to working Americans.

Yasmina Vinci · October 14, 2013
National Head Start Association
Alexandria, Virginia, United States

Thank you for highlighting the Head Start dilemma and the willingness of communities, organizations and individuals to help keep the most vulnerable children and families receiving the high quality services.

I do want to stress again and again, that all this wonderful, generous caring in not a sustainable substitute for the national commitment to create opportunities for the poorest children that was made almost 50 years ago.

Thank you!

Gretchen Johnston · October 14, 2013
University Presbyterian Children's Center
San Antonio, Texas, United States

I am so glad there are private citizens that care so much about Early Childhood Education that they are willing to move things forward when our government has dropped the ball. These children need these programs so much and to have them close would really impact their lives. If there is any way to send a thank you to Laura and John Arnold please tell them how much I appreciate what they have done. If there is not a way to tell them I hope they know in their hearts how much goodness they have released into our world. Thank you for sharing this story. Gretchen

Bunny Walters · October 14, 2013
United Way of Snohomish County
Everett, WA , United States

Yeah for Laura and John Arnold! Thank you on behalf on the many, many children, families, staff and communities.

Diane Adams · October 14, 2013
United States

Bravo for creative thinking in order to keep Head Start open! Just a caution....like the states opening national parks and other private sources responding to keep some WIC programs open, this is NOT the preferred solution. It could serve to encourage Tea Party non-government types in believing that government is not needed - far from the truth. The most important people to hear about this are the Congress people on HHS Appropriations, so they could possibly remember this extraordinary gift as a "match" for federal funds. Onward!

Camarrah Morgan · October 14, 2013
Child Care Network
Ann Arbor, MI, United States

I express my sincere appreciation for the generosity in caring action of our community and Mr and Mrs Arnold. As many of us work diligently and strategically to stretch funding in serving the our youngest citizens with strong foundations for success in school and life, it is so refreshing to be inspired by the kind actions of others also concerned about the future of our nation. This is a big, enormous type thank you for all of you, including those who wrote this article to share the good news and promote positive partnerships. Humbly....Camarrah

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