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Obama the Early Childhood Advocate
February 22, 2013
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
-Maya Angelou
Wouldn't it be something if a head of state devoted an entire speech to early childhood education? Well, that is exactly what President Obama did on February 14 in Decatur, Georgia. Although the early childhood proposals in his State of the Union address are being hotly debated, the strong, informed case he made for early childhood education was unprecedented. In referring to time he spent at the College Heights Early Learning Center, he commented...

"...I was working with children to build towers, to replicate sculptures, and sing songs... through this interactive learning they are learning math, writing, and how to tell stories. And, one of the things you have done in Decatur that is wonderful, is that you have combined kids from different income levels, you have disabled children in all the same classrooms, so that you are all learning together."

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Comments (9)

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Patricia Jack · February 22, 2013
Boulder City, Nevada, United States

Georgia has been an advocate and an innovative leader in the field of early childhood education for a long time. Obama was only stating the obvious. I would hardly call such an experience unprecedented.

Holly HW · February 22, 2013
United States

I am with others. Someone on his staff has to know person-first language right?

I wish we could send his staff a quick one-pager for Kathie Snow (sp?) on using strengths-based language. I have heard him use it before, however someone on his Education team HAD to have proofed that speech, right?

I was so excited reading it all and then I got to "disabled" children and cringed. He has such a platform to be able to foster person first language in our society and our world for that matter. I think I will send the White House an email. I cannot think of anything else to do...

Peter Gebhardt · February 22, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

This is truly historic! Thank you President Obama! Now walk your talk! ;)

Peter Gebhardt · February 22, 2013
ece consultant
Dallas, TX, United States

This is truly historic! Thank you President Obama! Now walk your talk! ;)

Johanna · February 22, 2013
United States

Do we really want to give the people responsible for NCLB and Common Core any more influence over what happens to the youngest and most vulnerable children? Unless people with real expertise in Early Childhood are included in the planning process and their opinions are respected I am afraid the outcome of more government involvement will be a disater.

Sharon Jackson · February 22, 2013
College station isd
College station, Tx, United States

While I find it encouraging that the President found time to visit an appropriate early childhood classroom and especially that he seemed to recognize and appreciate the value of a play based environment, I hope that one of his aides can help him learn "child first" language so that he will see "children with disabilities" and not disabled children!

Nikki · February 22, 2013
Huntington, WV, United States

I find it interesting that he commented on the benefits of children of different socio-economic groups being in a room together, and yet his proposal focuses on programs for low and middle income children.

Cynthia Pollack · February 22, 2013
New York, New York, United States

It is yet to be seen what Obama considers quality childcare for the under 5 year old. I am unimpressed with his as well as his Secretary of Education's policies for education as of yet. Let's m ake sure they really visit quality programs....not just programs with beautiful furniture and computers to keep children occupied. Let's see if they really understand that play is the basis of long time learner improvements as well as deep social engagement and problem solving. Let's have some real early childhood experts from Bank Street, Stanford and Columbia Teachers College have input on these programs rather than lawyers.

Christina · February 22, 2013
Head Start
Mineral Wells, Texas, United States

I voted for President Obama. Not because I'm black/African American but because of his support of early childhood education. I wish I could have posted this article on my Facebook page. Thanks for all you do.

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