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Heart-Centered Teaching
August 16, 2012
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
-Chinese Proverb
It would be hard to trust gardening advice from someone whose own garden was an overgrown weed patch," observes Nancy Rosenow in the opening of the newest book in the Exchange Store, Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature.  Rosenow continues...

 "I suspect it's also hard for children to believe that learning is exciting and worthwhile unless the adults in their lives actually value and enjoy learning themselves.  Years ago, studying to be an educator, I had no idea that the most impressive lessons I'd be delivering would come from the way I lived my own life.  But that turned out to be the case.  Children know authenticity when they see it, and they know pretense.  They undoubtedly saw some of both in me.

"Over the years I've come to believe that those of us who work with or for children have a responsibility to nurture themselves as tenderly as we nurture the children in our care.  Children deserve to be taught by people who delight in the wonders of the world and are eager to share them.  Children deserve to be taught by people who teach through positive example. 

"Consider:  How can we help children see the world is a place of goodness and unlimited possibilities if we experience it as dreary and stifling?  How can children trust our advice about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise if we don't choose to practice what we preach?  How will we help children learn the difficult art of conflict resolution if bitter conflicts in our own relationships remain unresolved?  How can we help children discover nature's gifts of joy and wonder if we rarely delight in those gifts ourselves?  And perhaps the hardest question of all:  How will we help children experience themselves as unconditionally loved and loving beings if we don't feel unconditionally loving toward ourselves?"

Heart-Centered Teaching Inspired by Nature

To support you in finding strength and inspiration for your own journey, Heart-Centered Teaching this week is only $7.95. That’s 20% off the cover price. Order today—for yourself or your staff—and find engaging ideas for making teaching more joyful and effective.

Enter code "Heart" when prompted.

Offer valid through January 12, 2017 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
May not be combined with any other offer.


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Comments (7)

Displaying All 7 Comments
maida cannon · August 29, 2012
st. louis, mo, United States

i am very attracted to nancy's book and I plan to get a copy to remember to always show the awe and wonder the joy that it takes to make it work

Mandy Lloyd · August 16, 2012
Little Beginnings
Arlington, VA, United States

So helpful to read as a teacher, but even more so as a parent! Thank you!

Sara Lynn · August 16, 2012
Lincoln, NE, United States

This book is a must read for anyone who is around or influencing children. I am buying a copy for each of my friends who have children and as a gift to friends who are new parents! I wish that all educators could be as thoughtful and insightful as Nancy.

Terry Kelly · August 16, 2012
Aurora , ON , Canada

As a long time ECE and someone who visits many programs. This simple but true message really struck a chord with me. I see children who get told to not hold a door or help me when I come in, but who are also taught to be kind. I see teachers stomping insects and showing fear of mess and then telling children to respect nature. Ihear not so loving tones telling three year old not to act "silly". Three year olds are silly - they're supposed to be!
I love when I see teachers respecting the children as people - from the heart.

carol · August 16, 2012
Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

Beautiful!!!! This is just the inspiration I needed today.

Judi Pack · August 16, 2012
United States


Be the change you want to see in the world (Ghandi).

Andrew Nkunga · August 16, 2012
Tanzania ECD Network
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of

I totally agree that when teaching children about good maners and bahavior we need to be examples of good behaviors, because children will alwaya try to leave the life of their teachers. I take my father as my role model.

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