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Swan Song
June 28, 2012
From snow, whether cooked or pounded, all you'll get is water.
-Italian Proverb
Last week my eyes were caught by an email with the subject, "Swan Song."  In the email, Fred Citron informed me that he was retiring after 33 years as Chief Executive Officer of Montgomery Early Learning Centers in Narbeth, Pennsylvania.  Throughout these decades, Fred has been a dear friend of Exchange and a great advocate for children in Pennsylvania.  Exchange salutes his contributions to the early childhood profession.

And, Fred's message was a reminder to me of all the early childhood baby boomers who have retired in recent years and will be retiring in growing numbers in coming years.  This is a generation of advocates who were shaped by the Vietnam War, Woodstock, the King and Kennedy assassinations, the Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix, Eugene McCarthy, and Laugh-In.  They gravitated into child care as a cause, not a profession.  They wanted to change the world by providing a head start for the next generation.  In many ways, this generation of champions for children has shaped the early childhood field, as we know it today.  And, with this we salute their great contributions as well.

But this is not a lament.  What we see happening is that as the baby boomers move on, they are being succeeded by a new generation of leaders who bring new perspectives, new skills, and new energy.  They will build on the accomplishments of the baby boomers and take us to new places in this fast changing world.  So we salute
the determination, savvy, and creativity of the next generation as well.

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Comments (7)

Displaying All 7 Comments
Habibah A. Rahman · July 06, 2012
Starting Point
Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I enjoyed reading this article and as happens so often when people go back to give credos to the activisits, clear thinking, and provocative forward thining truth tellers of the era referred to in the article they make the same obvious omission. Martin Luther King spoke to the world of a better day, but he was not alone. There was no one during this era more eloquent in "speaking truth to power" than Al Hajj Malik Shabazz, formerly know as Malcolmn X, Do we truly desire a world for our children better than the one we found ourselves living in and if we do then people must stop avoiding the painful truths and embrace even those whose words peirced their hearts and awakened their consicience.

It is time to stop embracing only the dream and embrace the reality that causes the dream to remain unfulfilled.

Barb O'Malley · July 02, 2012
Child Care Providers
Scranton, Pa., United States

I met Fred back in the late '70's when PA providers were struggling to build a quality child care system. He was an original member of PACCA (Pa Child Care Association) which was appropriately nicknamed "Pack of Wolves" after a comment from an exasperated public official. He was the cool Philly guy in the clogs who was articulate, funny and whip smart!

Fred logged thousands of miles driving to Harrisburg for countless meeting to advance the cause. Now it's time to turn the Honda around and head for the Jersey shore!

Happy trails, my friend, you earned it!

Eleanor · June 29, 2012
Wayne Community College
United States

How interesting that you post this article of the day that I retire after more than 25 years in the Early Childhood field. One of my fondest wishes for myself and other Baby Boomers as we move into a new phase of life is to stay connected to the field and find new ways to serve as volunteers and mentors. My work has always been my cause, not a profession.

Missy Danneberg · June 28, 2012
Extended Child Care
Santa Rosa, CA, United States

How true! Thank you for this thoughtful perspective.

Mary Wehking · June 28, 2012
Children's Playspace, retired
Whispering Pines, North Carolina, United States

Excellent commentary and perspective. Thank you, Roger.

Tamar Jacobson · June 28, 2012
Rider University
Lawrenceville, New Jersey, United States

Beautiful post today. I am one of these baby boomers although I am not quite ready to retire officially ... still want to hang in there ...

And when I do, I will always see my work as a "cause" more than a profession. So I thank you for recognizing that in "us!"

As I certainly recognize that in the wonderful work Bonnie and Roger do!

Mary Anne Horn · June 28, 2012
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

My thanks to Fred and all those like him. It is your coattails I am riding on. You not only gave children's issues a voice, but me a career that I love. Thanks for the reminder about really making this a cause. How ironic that we could still use the ideals of the '60's to help education today. Best of luck in retirement.....I'm not that far away myself.

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