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Economic Stimulus and Child Care
December 12, 2008
I am continually learning from toddlers—not only about who they are, but about who I am. They inspire me to remain steadfast in refining myself, which in turn encourages me to refine my actions with others.
-Nick Terrones
Child care centers are starting to feel the effects of the economic downturn. The Early Care and Education Consortium is tracking how the state of the economy is impacting parents and programs.

In addition, a number of organizations, led by the National Women's Law Center are starting to lobby for including child care as a critical part of the economic stimulus package that President-elect Obama is putting together. We urge ExchangeEveryDay readers in the U.S. to share your views with the new administration.

Exchange has packaged 10 practical publications on children's environments into an Environments Tool Kit and is offering the Kit at an 18% discount. Included in the Kit...

  • Caring Spaces, Learning Places: Children's Environments That Work
  • Natural Playscapes: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul
  • Learning With Nature Idea Book: Creating Nurturing Outdoor Spaces for Children

Beginning Workshop Units:
  • Environments for Special Needs
  • Environments
  • Environments With Families in Mind
  • Outdoor Environments
  • Space
  • Environments to Engage Children
  • Learning Materials


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What is ExchangeEveryDay?

ExchangeEveryDay is the official electronic newsletter for Exchange Press. It is delivered five days a week containing news stories, success stories, solutions, trend reports, and much more.

Enhanced Childcare Fee Management
Combine your family & child information with a powerful fee management system to maintain a complete history of all family charges, deposits and payments. This includes features like cash receipts; the ability to handle simple or variable rates (based on schedules, actual attendance, or both); and complete audit trails and detailed financial reports help you make the right business decisions.

Take a Test Drive: Get a free trial version of EZ-CARE2 Center Management Software!

Comments (11)

Displaying All 11 Comments
Sohbet · January 14, 2010


Laura Taylor · January 13, 2009
Taylor Tots Child Development Center
Yakima, WA, United States

I currently have three licensed child care centers. We serve approximately 140 families. It has been a huge struggle to stay afloat. Parents are loosing their jobs and it takes all spots full to maintain expenses. We are mandated to specific ratios and in order to do that cutiing staff when your short a few kids in each class is impossible. In order to keep all staff working I am extending our hours to a swing shift. My thinking was that the building expenses are already paid hoping the second shift would help. I have been advertising, hand delivering and posting start up information for the second shift and am having no luck. I was hoping to keep employees and not have to pass on the loses to the cutomers that are also struggling. Its a tough position to be in for a person with a caring heart.

Bethe Almeras · December 15, 2008
United States

Another great issue. I love all the attention the natural play environments and outdoor time is getting. Would love to tell your readers about a free resource for parents and educators:


Each week you will find new activities, book recommendations and resources for getting kids outside. There is also a blog and an online community, as well as a podcast. You can syndicate the material on your own sites via the RSS feeds or the widgets. Please take a look and share the resource with your parent communities.

Sincerely, Bethe Almeras

andriy · December 14, 2008
harkov, ukraine, United States

Hi! Cool site!!!

Natalie Lawson · December 13, 2008
The Toddler\\\'s Institute, Inc.
Atlanta, GA, United States

Thank you for the wonderful article on the Economic Stimulus and Child Care. The article was Beautifully written, heartfelt by most all who read it. I am honored to be a part of such a great industry of people who care!

My community consists of single women who do not have many resources to afford themselves or their children an opportunity or access to information and means to move their families from poverty to empowerment. As a provider, I have not only become a confidant to their enviornment, but also I have become a filter for them to disburse information about programs and other necessities available to assist in supporting parents and their children.

Please forward to us information to provide our parents to assist them in affordable housing, grants for scholarships for summer camps and afterschool program initiatives, playground grants, etc. as well as ways we can continue to assist our community with not only affordable child care and information but a great place, aesthically to represent the many ways to improve our families and communities.

Your continued support of childcare and advocacy is so greatly appreciated.

Edna · December 12, 2008
Washington, DC, United States

Please check with the National Women's Law Center about the issue of including child care in the stimulus package. I have heard a variety of responses in the DC ECE community, including keeping child care out of the stimulus package to avoid losing the increase when the stimulus package ends. The goal is to create permanent support for child care for the long-term.

Nora · December 12, 2008
Roots & Wings Child Care Center
Salem, wisconsin, United States

Each week a new parent loses their job. It's obvious, no job, no child care needed. So in the past 3 months our center has seen a child drop out each week.
The center is down by 30% for income. We are trying to cut hours when enrollment is low vs. letting a staff member go. I'm being optimistic that these parents will be able to find new jobs and bring their children back to Roots & Wings.
The reality is that the economy is effecting everyone...

Pam Grigsby Jones · December 12, 2008
Interfaith Community Care
Surprise, AZ, United States

Oh, have you hit a nerve! If the government call bail out industries where employees make $28 an hour, with FULL benefits, and a guarantee layoff salary of over $50,000 a year, and CEO's with private jets, $65,000 annual bonuses, and more money than most early education programs annual budget, then we sure as heck can assist those of us who work for non profits, serving families in our community who aer the backbone of labor. What part of EVERYONE is feeling the economic crunch does congress not understand? Maybe a class action suit from non profits would make them sit up and take notice???

Madeleine Baker · December 12, 2008
Early Childhood Alliance
Fort Wayne, IN, United States

This is a crucial time in which all early education adovates, collectivley, align the importance of early edcuation with that of future economic health and each community's sustainability. We need to communicate our views so the private sector and the education reorm advoactes can understand and be able to align with us; the need to repair our currently "broken educational system" must begin with early education, as referecned by Prfesident elect Obama during hsi campaign.

Cheryl Gahring · December 12, 2008
YMCA of Lancaster
Lancaster, PA, United States

As a profession, we must make our voices heard. We have always been advocates for our children, but now it may be crucial to make our OWN voices heard.

lynn · December 12, 2008
United States

It seems almost every week lately I am receiving another withdrawl notice because another parent has lost there job. My enroll,ent has dropped about 15% in last few months while I am offering discounted tuition I can continue at this rate.

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