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ExchangeEveryDay Past Issues

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We Must Care for the Entire Human Family August 25, 2021
How Do You Honor Care? (2 comments) August 24, 2021
Avoiding Toxic Positivity (4 comments) August 23, 2021
Let’s Talk About Love (3 comments) August 20, 2021
New Exchange Essentials on Challenging Behavior August 19, 2021
Raising Resilient Children - With a Little Help from Nature August 18, 2021
What If We Trusted Teachers More? (2 comments) August 17, 2021
Free Video to Support You August 16, 2021
Building an Anti-Bias Classroom Culture (2 comments) August 13, 2021
Wrestling with the Concept of ‘Bad Guys’ August 12, 2021
More about Block Play (2 comments) August 11, 2021
Children, Nature, Resilience August 10, 2021
Facing the Future with Courage August 09, 2021
Crucial Conflict Resolution Strategies August 06, 2021
Lifting Up Care as Education August 05, 2021
In Praise of Admitting Mistakes August 04, 2021
Can Classroom Arrangements Increase Challenging Behavior? (3 comments) August 03, 2021
Embracing Change (6 comments) August 02, 2021
Tools for Encouraging Children’s Love of Science July 30, 2021
Leaving Lost Einsteins Behind? (3 comments) July 29, 2021
Creating Community; Re-thinking Classroom Practices July 28, 2021
Considering Culturally Sustainable Environments (2 comments) July 27, 2021
Are We Afraid to Talk about Love? Please Comment (14 comments) July 26, 2021
No Shame in Addressing Mental Health Issues July 23, 2021
Are We Raising Writers? (4 comments) July 22, 2021
Block Play Not Just for Boys (8 comments) July 21, 2021
NIEER Seeks Input from Early Childhood Workforce (2 comments) July 20, 2021
Teaching Love as the Core Early Childhood Curriculum (3 comments) July 19, 2021
Increasing Positive Communication, Decreasing Conflict (2 comments) July 16, 2021
Risk-Benefit Analysis for Outdoor Play More Common in Europe than US July 15, 2021
Wonder and Marvel of an Ordinary Life July 14, 2021
Paying Attention to Children’s Well-Being July 13, 2021
Asking the Big Questions July 12, 2021
Debating Developmentally Appropriate Practice (3 comments) July 09, 2021
Two Ways to Create Nurturing Environments and Relationships July 08, 2021
Investments in Head Start, Other Pre-K, Reduce Future Incarcerations July 07, 2021
True Equity in ECE (2 comments) July 06, 2021
Your Thoughts Matter – Please Share Them With Us July 05, 2021
New Understandings of How Children Develop Social Skills (2 comments) July 02, 2021
Transform Behavior by Transforming Your Outdoor Space July 01, 2021
Trauma as Teacher June 30, 2021
Important New Book: Pursuing Bad Guys (1 comment) June 29, 2021
How Will You Celebrate International Mud Day? (2 comments) June 28, 2021
Celebrating the CARE in Early Care and Education June 25, 2021
Current State of ECE June 24, 2021
Supporting Parents in Guiding Language and Literacy Development June 23, 2021
Good Leaders Get Emotional Sometimes (3 comments) June 22, 2021
Resources for Helping Children Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion (2 comments) June 21, 2021
Making the Most of Spaces that Connect Children with Nature (2 comments) June 18, 2021
Do Schools Kill Creativity? June 17, 2021
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