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ExchangeEveryDay Past Issues

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Bush Administration Proposes Testing 4-Year-Olds January 21, 2003
Responses to Resources on Creativity January 20, 2003
Is Your School A Learning Organization? January 17, 2003
More Than Mystery Books January 16, 2003
The Scope of the AIDS Crisis January 15, 2003
Child Care In The Public Schools January 14, 2003
Fattest and Fittest U.S. Cities January 13, 2003
Character Education Revisited January 10, 2003
High HIV Rates for South African Children January 09, 2003
Oklahoma Taking the Lead on Literacy January 08, 2003
Music Shapes the Brain January 07, 2003
World Forum Preliminary Program Unveiled January 06, 2003
James Michener on the Meaning of Life January 03, 2003
Integrating Care and Education January 02, 2003
Happy New Year! January 01, 2003
Expanding Your Advocacy Base December 31, 2002
Resources on Creativity December 30, 2002
The Language of Anger December 27, 2002
US Workers Still the Work-aholics of the World December 26, 2002
Merry Christmas December 25, 2002
Importance of the Mother Tongue December 24, 2002
Life Advice From George Carlin December 23, 2002
Characteristics of a Healthy Person December 20, 2002
Tips For Talking With Parents December 19, 2002
Conducting A Daddy Diagnostic December 18, 2002
Gender Socialization in Morocco December 17, 2002
Teaching and Learning Online December 16, 2002
IBM Funds Spanish Translation at World Forum December 13, 2002
More Mystery Recommendations December 12, 2002
The New Face of Philanthropy December 11, 2002
World Forum Receives Translation Funding (1 comment) December 10, 2002
Integrating Physical and Social Development December 09, 2002
Update on Hand Hygiene December 06, 2002
Early Childhood Reaches the Stars December 05, 2002
The Paradoxical Commandments December 04, 2002
Creating Playgrounds With Kids in Mind December 03, 2002
CEO Scandals Hit Early Childhood December 02, 2002
Shortage of Special Education Teachers November 29, 2002
Give Thanks November 28, 2002
Debunking Myths of Parental Time November 27, 2002
Education As An Election Issue November 26, 2002
Raising Life Expectancy November 25, 2002
Right-Brain, Left-Brain Marketing November 22, 2002
And Now For Something Completely Different November 21, 2002
Learning Increases When Diversity Increases November 20, 2002
What Makes For Bright Children November 19, 2002
The Blueberry Story November 18, 2002
Posting Lunch Menus Online November 15, 2002
World Forum at NAEYC November 14, 2002
Weapons of Mass Salvation November 13, 2002
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