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ExchangeEveryDay Past Issues

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Why Bother With Recess? August 23, 2012
Permission to Take Risks (1 comment) August 22, 2012
Asking Thoughtful Questions August 21, 2012
Jog Your Brain (1 comment) August 20, 2012
Apps for Preschoolers -- Yes or No? (6 comments) August 17, 2012
Heart-Centered Teaching (7 comments) August 16, 2012
The Value of Whimsy (3 comments) August 15, 2012
New: Exchange Course Builder August 14, 2012
Unneeded Toys (3 comments) August 13, 2012
Where Are My Keys? (1 comment) August 10, 2012
What Education Can Be August 09, 2012
Life Lessons August 08, 2012
Tell Them Only One Thing August 07, 2012
Ten Pillars of Good Childhood August 06, 2012
The Value of Friends August 03, 2012
Using Logical Consequences (3 comments) August 02, 2012
Play Day in UK (2 comments) August 01, 2012
Stress-Proof Your Day July 31, 2012
Connect Legos and Tinkertoys July 30, 2012
Child-Initiated vs Adult-Directed July 27, 2012
Focus on the Positive (1 comment) July 26, 2012
Who, Me, a Leader? July 25, 2012
Upcoming Conferences July 24, 2012
Time to Hunker Down? July 23, 2012
Listening to Parents (1 comment) July 20, 2012
Helping Children Recognize Limits (2 comments) July 19, 2012
Promoting Creative Thinkers (1 comment) July 18, 2012
Mandela Day 2012 July 17, 2012
Babies and Hands (2 comments) July 16, 2012
Engaging Teachers in Planning (1 comment) July 13, 2012
Optimism Makes a Difference July 12, 2012
Sleep Aids Learning July 11, 2012
Fanatic Discipline July 10, 2012
Art That Is Pleasing (1 comment) July 09, 2012
Physical and Verbal Imitation July 06, 2012
Making Families Welcome (1 comment) July 05, 2012
What the Feds Should Do (6 comments) July 04, 2012
Listen to This July 03, 2012
Naptime Tips (1 comment) July 02, 2012
Effective Feedback (1 comment) June 29, 2012
Swan Song (7 comments) June 28, 2012
Are You Ready for Mud Day? (1 comment) June 27, 2012
Promote ExchangeEveryDay and Win Big! (2 comments) June 26, 2012
Using Humor with Children June 25, 2012
The Age of Fairy Tales (2 comments) June 22, 2012
Stop Bullying Before It Starts (3 comments) June 21, 2012
Defending the Early Years (2 comments) June 20, 2012
You Are Not Special (47 comments) June 19, 2012
Story Telling and Organizational Culture (1 comment) June 18, 2012
Letting Go, Delegating, Trusting (1 comment) June 15, 2012
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