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ExchangeEveryDay Past Issues

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Declining Enrollment Culprits October 11, 2018
Practices for Valuing Families October 10, 2018
Confronting Sexism in Child Care (3 comments) October 09, 2018
Children Exploring Their Communities (2 comments) October 08, 2018
Help Children Develop a Secure and Accurate Identity (1 comment) October 05, 2018
Grandfamilies October 04, 2018
Compliment Character More than Actions October 03, 2018
What Makes a Good Toy? (1 comment) October 02, 2018
Far Enough but Not Too Far October 01, 2018
Reasons to Laugh More (1 comment) September 28, 2018
Continuous Partial Attention (2 comments) September 27, 2018
Heartfelt Staff Orientation September 26, 2018
2019 World Forum Topics September 25, 2018
Supporting Healthy Brain Architecture (1 comment) September 24, 2018
The Importance of Stories September 21, 2018
Nature or Not? (2 comments) September 20, 2018
Childhood Obesity Awareness Month September 19, 2018
Designing the Soundscape for Early Learning September 18, 2018
Commenting on the Play of Children September 17, 2018
Our Vision Breathes Us Alive (2 comments) September 14, 2018
Blocks Worth the Investment September 13, 2018
Thinking Outside the Box to Boost Teacher Effectiveness (2 comments) September 12, 2018
Celebrate What You Want to See More of September 11, 2018
Muddy Explorers (2 comments) September 10, 2018
Inspirational Support for Educators September 07, 2018
Using Mealtime for Observation (1 comment) September 06, 2018
Seeing the Serious Intent of Children September 05, 2018
Pointers for Attracting Positive Energy September 04, 2018
Valuing an Attitude of Attention September 03, 2018
New Dish from the Global Cafe August 31, 2018
Look at Families with New Eyes (1 comment) August 30, 2018
Hopes for Educators’ Engagement with Children August 29, 2018
Starting Civics Education Early (2 comments) August 28, 2018
What Has 14 Hands? August 27, 2018
Far-Reaching Vision of Education August 24, 2018
Five Ways to Build Respect as a Leader (1 comment) August 23, 2018
Negotiating the Ideas of Children August 22, 2018
Deep Appreciation for Life August 21, 2018
Yearning for Dream Time August 20, 2018
Creative Uses for Tree Bark August 17, 2018
Building Caring Relationships (1 comment) August 16, 2018
Supporting Teachers’ Awakening Minds (1 comment) August 15, 2018
Why Do Parents Pay So Much if Providers Make So Little? (2 comments) August 14, 2018
Use an Inquiry Model with Staff (1 comment) August 13, 2018
Emotional Intelligence August 10, 2018
Fundraising Success Stories (1 comment) August 09, 2018
A New Definition of Education August 08, 2018
Leadership as Authentic Self Expression (1 comment) August 07, 2018
Empathy Connects Us August 06, 2018
Five Skills to Support Innovative Thinking (1 comment) August 03, 2018
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