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The Ed.Flicks Video Library provides instant access to over 400 closed-captioned, high-quality, early childhood training and education video clips – featuring insights from leaders in the field of early care and education. These clips can be streamed, downloaded, and/or embedded into trainings, coursework, or to enhance your personal practice or professional development.
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- Benefits of Sustained Investigations with Children (6:30)
- Biases in Your Curriculum (6:15)
- Case Study in Sustained Investigations with Children (7:35)
- Conversations with Children about Social Justice (7:51)
- Creating a Beloved Community (3:55)
- Engaging Parents in Brave Conversations (9:26)
- Engaging White Parents, Teachers and Children (5:48)
- Getting to Know Parents (3:16)
- How to Teach Children about Social Justice (5:11)
- Is Your Program Biased? (7:52)
- Overwhelming Challenges Facing Teachers (3:35)
- Providing Child Care in a COVID World (22:30)
- Redesigning - In the COVID Classroom (19:42)
- Self-Awareness as a Key First Step in Promoting Social Justice (7:29)
- Social Justice in Early Learning (19:09)
- Social Justice Training for Teachers (4:11)
- The Changing World of Childhood (6:55)
- The Moment for Social Justice is Now! (5:40)
- The Prepared Environment (18:51)
- The Value of Pretend Play (6:02)
- What Research Tells Us About Children and Social Justice (7:18)
- What Research Tells Us about Social Justice and Early Education Teachers (4:04)
- Fiji - Preschool Education in Fiji (15:10)
- Fiji - The Impact of Climate Change (9:17)
- India - Play in India (6:22)
- India - Poverty in India (6:53)
- India - Storytelling Traditions (31:10)
- Roma Communities in Europe - Driton National Anthem (4:27)
- Roma Communities in Europe - Growing Up Roma (14:19)
- Roma Communities in Europe - Roma Pride (7:26)
- South Africa - Diversity of Modalities (8:59)
- South Africa - Diversity of South Africa (23:24)
- A Can of Worms (4:50)
- A Young Writer's World (6:29)
- Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes? (4:54)
- Happiness is Running Through the Streets (7:48)
- You Can't Celebrate That (5:12)
- Exploring Social Justice with Young Children (8:25)
- How to See Children (6:13)
- Natural Learning Environments (7:03)
- Nurturing Young Writers (13:09)
- Physical Environment and Physical Activity (7:51)
- Returning the Care to Early Care and Education (15:16)
- Risky Play (12:45)
- Seeing Children's Social Skills (12:49)
- Social Emotional Intelligence (9:36)
- Surviving Childhood Trauma (11:26)
- The Gender Gap (18:24)
- The Importance of Seeing Children (5:38)
- The Wonderful World of Toddlers (13:43)
- Trauma-Informed Care (6:48)
- Free Play (9:32)
- Natural Outdoor Classrooms - Various Experiences (27:36)
- Playing with Playdough and Cleaning Up (13:07)

- Lesson One: Child Development
- Developmental Milestones (8:13)
- Social and Emotional Health (7:47)
- Temperament (8:58)
- Behavior and Cues (9:23)
- Protective Factors and Resilience (8:08)
- Lesson Two: Challenging Behaviors and Risk Factors
- What is Challenging Behavior? (11:06)
- Including All Children (9:49)
- Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior (7:27)
- Children and Stress (9:42)
- Violence, Abuse, and Trauma (10:17)
- Lesson Three: Finding Children's Strengths
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice (7:36)
- Observing Behaviors (9:06)
- Assessing Behaviors (8:57)
- Strength-based Approaches (9:42)
- Creating a Caring Learning Community (7:20)
- Lesson Four: Preventing Challenging Behaviors - Part 1
- Classroom Environment (8:41)
- Routines and Transitions (8:50)
- Building Relationships (9:07)
- Responsibility and Rules (9:08)
- Reflective Practice (9:24)
- Lesson Five: Preventing Challenging Behaviors - Part 2
- Music, Movement, and Active Play (8:34)
- Scaffolding and Skill Building (8:21)
- Teaching Problem-solving (9:16)
- Feelings are Important (8:58)
- Heading Off Bullying (9:33)
- Lesson Six: Teachers Making a Difference
- Knowing Yourself (9:25)
- Taking Care of Yourself (9:31)
- Intentional Teaching (10:23)
- Effective Praise (8:47)
- Policies and Procedures (8:49)
- Lesson Seven: Working with Families
- Developing Respectful Partnerships (9:31)
- Understanding Cultural Values (10:04)
- Communication and Coordination (8:01)
- Reducing Family Stress (8:44)
- Avoiding Expulsion (8:44)
- Lesson Eight: Developing a Behavior Plan
- Why is the Child Using the Behavior? (9:07)
- Goal Setting (9:47)
- Frequency, Intensity, and Duration (9:28)
- Six Steps to a Behavior Plan (10:18)
- Looking for Outside Help (9:02)
- Lesson Nine: Intervention Strategies - Part 1
- Intervention Strategies (9:52)
- Withdrawn Behaviors (9:07)
- Positive Guidance and Discipline (9:33)
- Developing Empathy (8:29)
- Developing Self-regulation (9:40)
- Lesson Ten: Intervention Strategies - Part 2
- Responding to Anger and Aggression (9:29)
- Time In - Regroup and Reset (8:08)
- Making Genuine Amends (9:34)
- Addressing Hurtful Behavior (7:49)
- Responding to Dangerous Behaviors (8:46)

- Lesson One: Valuing Families
- What is Family? (10:14)
- Respecting Cultures (10:04)
- Family and Teacher Perspectives (10:27)
- Parents as Learning Advocates (9:41)
- Establishing Shared Goals (10:10)
- Lesson Two: Building Relationships
- Relating to Families (10:15)
- Encouraging Participation (9:52)
- Gathering Input and Feedback (9:10)
- Program Policies and Support (9:46)
- Building Learning Communities (9:27)

- Lesson One: Early Care and the Obesity Crisis
- The Obesity Crisis (4:37)
- Why Children are Overweight (5:35)
- Health Consequences (3:56)
- Indicators & Predictors (3:15)
- Early Care Matters (4:51)
- Lesson Two: Get Kids Moving
- Allowing Infants to Move (6:16)
- Movement for Toddlers (5:23)
- Movement for Preschoolers (4:25)
- Structured vs Unstructured (4:42)
- The Value of Outdoor Play (4:56)
- Lesson Three: Keep Kids Moving
- The Reluctant Child (5:26)
- Keeping Kids Moving (5:21)
- Modeling Movement (4:20)
- Overweight in Group Care (4:02)
- Motivated to Move (4:24)
- Lesson Four: The Life is good Playmakers
- The Power of Playfulness (6:52)
- Play and Self-Regulation (6:46)
- Champions of Play (5:50)
- Lesson Five: The Trail Walk
- Getting Ready (6:55)
- The Trail Walk (6:10)
- Outside the Classroom (5:34)
- Lesson Six: Natural Learning Environments
- Outside Learning Environments (5:28)
- First Environments (7:11)
- Getting Started (5:13)
- Lesson Seven: Inside Matters Most
- Inside Matters Most (5:35)
- The Star-Bellied Sneetches (7:21)
- Kids On Fairness (2:49)
- Lesson Eight: Nutrition and Child Care
- Nutrition and Child Care (5:28)
- Nutrition for Infants (4:51)
- Nutrition for Toddlers (4:27)
- Nutrition for Preschoolers (4:07)
- My Plate - What to Eat (5:36)
- Lesson Nine: How Much to Eat
- 5-2-1-Almost None (3:29)
- Portion Sizes (4:17)
- Recognizing Fullness (5:16)
- Introducing New Foods (4:38)
- Cultural Considerations (5:14)
- Lesson Ten: Making It Work
- Food from Home (5:04)
- Child and Adult Care Food Program (4:10)
- Body Image and Teasing (5:15)
- The Power of Teachers (5:06)
- Building Family Partnerships (4:51)
- Lesson Eleven: Family Style Dining
- What is Family Style Dining? (4:23)
- Family Style Dining (5:00)
- Mixed Age Groups (3:38)
- Stone Soup (3:26)
- Lesson Twelve: The People's Garden
- Growing with Children (4:48)
- The People's Garden (5:28)
- Finding What Works (5:18)
- Lesson Thirteen: Healthy Pizza Field Trip
- Preparing to Go (4:59)
- Making Pizzas (6:58)
- Reinforcing the Message (5:02)
- Lesson Fourteen: We're All Special
- Kind Words Matter (4:54)
- I Can Do It (7:16)
- Kids Can Do It (4:11)

- Lesson One: Everything Begins with Relationships
- Relationships Matter (8:21)
- Heart-Centered Interactions (8:41)
- Relating to Each Child (9:11)
- Playing and Learning Together (9:19)
- Fostering Relationships with Families (8:25)
- Lesson Two: Personal Care Routines - Infants
- Diapering (9:33)
- Healthy Eating for Infants (7:43)
- Safe Sleeping Practices (7:16)
- Managing Individualized Routines (8:08)
- Milestones and Challenges (7:31)
- Lesson Three: Personal Care Routines - Toddlers
- Toilet Learning and Hand Washing (8:54)
- Healthy Eating (8:14)
- Naptime (7:42)
- Group Care Routines (8:06)
- Communicating with Families (8:30)
- Lesson Four: The Developing Infant
- Lesson Five: The Developing Toddler
- Engaging Learning Spaces (7:59)
- Toddlers at Play (9:30)
- Supporting Toddler Language Skills (8:51)
- Documenting and Assessing Growth (7:52)
- Policies that Support Relationships (9:11)
Learning Moments
- Big Baby - Adult's Role in Pretend Play (2:37)
- Birthday Song (3:33)
- Children Drawing (1:59)
- Decorating a Clay Butterfly (4:57)
- Face Painting (7:46)
- From Snowman to Snow Lady (2:33)
- Planning for Pets (6:23)
- She Changes Her Movements to Fit the Music (1:39)
- Twos Paint with Water - Mark versus Medium (9:02)
- Vampires (3:03)
- Zenia Painting (3:34)
- Carrying a Basket (4:32)
- Children Discuss Rough Play ()
- Dryden Deserves an Icepack (4:52)
- First and Last (3:21)
- George Understands (1:11)
- Jack Overcomes Obstacles (13:05)
- Learning to Clay Together (3:35)
- Sand Container Conflict (8:42)
- Taking Turns (3:47)
- Tire Swing Ups and Downs (5:02)
- To Team or Not to Team (2:18)
- Chris Builds with Window Blocks (1:53)
- Dancing the Freeze (1:54)
- Duck, Duck, Goose (5:21)
- Elastic Rules Mean More Can Play (2:52)
- Evan Shows Jose (8:19)
- It Helps to Laugh (6:10)
- It Takes Two to Tie a Shoe (5:42)
- Puzzle Persistence (8:10)
- Teddy Builds a Ramp (6:39)
- The Meaning and Function of Writing (5:34)
- A Clothespin for Every Side - Math at 21 Months (1:54)
- A String Too Short (5:15)
- Counting - Stuck in the 20s (4:47)
- Math - Combining Sets (4:12)
- Measuring Tape (3:11)
- Pajama Count (2:01)
- Sorting by Size (4:13)
- The Sound of Slope and Speed (4:35)
- Too Big (1:05)
- Unequal Weights Can Balance (2:24)
- Ball and Jug (3:45)
- Book Literacy (4:11)
- Child and Child Communicate (1:16)
- Cone Calls Between Infant and Teacher (2:09)
- Explaining Infants' Interests (2:49)
- Infant Toots Her Horn (0:52)
- Infants with Teacher: Call and Response (2:07)
- Nonverbal Play with Nesting Glasses (5:38)
- Stuck Standing Holding On (2:57)
- The Joy of Infants Among Infants (3:52)
- When the Teacher Sings (3:52)
- Ben Shoots Pool (2:17)
- Beyond the Five Senses (2:39)
- Children Read the Quality of Gestures (3:26)
- First-Time Friends (1:11)
- How Spaces Support Social Play (2:17)
- Infants Explore the Harp (3:43)
- Rocking Horse Rumble (3:11)
- Self-Regulation During Year One (4:13)
- Siblings in the Sandbox (3:55)
- Ben Shoots Pool in a Groove (12:36)
- Bottomless Boxes are Better (4:45)
- Breaking to Build (6:04)
- Can Three-Year Olds Teach? (4:47)
- Filling an Ice Tray Together (1:58)
- Photographs as Plans Rather than Records (4:58)
- Pretend Washing (1:14)
- Pretend You Like Me (6:22)
- The Story Wins the Day (10:48)
- Why Children Make Play Challenging (2:26)
- Why Children Play Follow-Me (1:45)
- An Invented Game (1:37)
- Boost from a Friend (1:28)
- Construction Site Dilemma (3:09)
- Infant Climb (1:22)
- Ones Sweep - at least move - Leaves (4:00)
- Peek-a-Boo Playing with the Rules (2:22)
- Ring Around the Rosy (2:13)
- Stacking Tires (7:15)
- The Challenge of Terrains (4:04)
- To Make a Path of Stones (4:31)
- Traffic Jam for Toddlers (7:28)
- Tree Trunks: Balance and Power (5:10)
- Tricycle Tour (1:25)
- Changeable Objects - Opposite Effects (4:45)
- Empty Space Can Create Relations (0:56)
- How Holes Add Focus (1:38)
- Pairing Reflections with Shadows (1:49)
- Random Effects that Create Wonder (2:31)
- Setting the Level of Challenge (2:26)
- Sounds that Accentuate Effects (4:36)
- The Importance of a Continuous Force (2:31)
- The Relation Between Scale and Collaboration (6:59)
- The Right Place for Props (1:36)
- Balance Scale (3:27)
- Lou and Blake Move Like Tops (1:47)
- Mirror Ball (1:01)
- Playground Physics (3:04)
- Reflecting on Process and Effect (5:05)
- Representations that Imitate the Body (0:54)
- Sticky Paper (2:39)
- Team Science (7:23)
- Testing and Representing by Owen (0:51)
- The Importance of the (7:52)
- The Paradoxical Shell (2:07)
- Wind Tunnel (2:30)

- What Do Babies Need From Caregivers? (6:19)
- Creating Safe Environments that Meet Evolving Needs (6:29)
- Learning to Communicate with Infants (6:07)
- The Importance of Relationships (7:59)
- What are the Qualities that Make an Exceptional Infant Teacher? (6:13)
- How do you Know When an Infant/Toddler Classroom is Working? (7:22)
- How do Ratios and Group Sizes Affect the Quality of Infant Care? (5:53)
- What Does Curriculum Mean for Infant Care? (7:54)

- What is the Purpose of Child Assessment? (7:38)
- The Benefits of Assessment Data (7:11)
- When Should Teachers Assess a Child's Developmental Progress? (6:33)
- How Do We Know That a Child Assessment is Reliable? (6:26)
- How Can Teachers Gather Useful Information During Assessments? (9:42)
- What are the Challenges of Assessing a Child Whose First Language is Not English? (6:45)
- In What Way is Assessment Data Useful to Teachers? (8:19)
- What are the Common Misunderstandings About Child Assessment? (6:55)

- Morale and Performance (7:47)
- Creating a Supportive and Nurturing Environment (8:18)
- The Role of Professional Development (6:50)
- Program Directors as Leaders (7:36)
- Addressing the Needs of Different Generations (6:40)
- Managing Conflict and Embracing Change (8:10)
- When Staff Members Aren't a Good Fit (6:48)
- Recovering from Morale Challenges (6:39)
- Addressing Gossip and Negative Attitudes (9:56)
Nature Explore

- Nature-Filled Environments (2:28)
- Educator Support (0:45)
- Toddlers and Pumpkins (1:38)
- Infant Outdoors (1:02)
- Preschoolers in Outdoor Classroom (1:27)
- Drum, Infant Whole Child Development (1:57)
- Digging for Worms, Toddler Whole Child Development (1:28)
- Zoo, Elementary age Whole Child Development (3:01)
- Cutting Flowers, Preschool Emergent Curriculum (1:32)
- Second Grade Math in a Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom (5:07)
- Toddlers and Corn, Early Language Development (3:48)

- Elementary School Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom (1:39)
- What is a Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom (1:39)
- A Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for your Outdoor Classroom (2:05)
- Plan for Replenishment in your Outdoor Classroom (1:18)
- Plant Material in your Outdoor Classroom (2:25)
- Include Children in the Care Taking of Your Outdoor Classroom (3:40)
- Maintenance in Your Outdoor Classroom with Volunteers and Professionals (3:05)
- Maintenance for Safety in Your Outdoor Classroom (1:56)
- Key Maintenance Considerations in Your Outdoor Classroom (14:03)
Early Care and Education and the Pandemic
- Lesson One: Supporting Adults in Your Community
- The Children are Watching (2:24)
- Emotions of Change (2:49)
- Taking Care of Ourselves (3:21)
- The Healing Power of Nature (3:27)
- Avoiding the Impact of Trauma (3:04)
- Lesson Two: Technology as a Lifeline
- Staying Connected (3:57)
- Technology at Home (4:47)
- Technology and Teachers (2:24)
- Technology Tips (14:46)
- Lesson Three: Teachers Demonstrating Resilience, Commitment and Heart
- Teachers Under Stress (3:19)
- How to Nurture Staff (8:55)
- Ensuring Teacher Wellness (5:32)
- Lesson Four: Rebuilding Your Child Care Organization
- The New Economics of Child Care (4:32)
- A Reopening Case Study (3:50)
- Key Financial Considerations (14:56)
- Lesson Five: Engaging, Assuring and Re-Enrolling Parents
- Lesson Six: Children Sheltering at Home
- Children’s Experiences (3:01)
- Supporting Children (6:18)
- Children with Special Challenges (5:17)
- You Have a Knife in Your Brain (5:45)
- Lifeline (1:52)
- Lesson Seven: Global Early Childhood Perspectives on the Pandemic
- Summary of Worldwide Impact (3:35)
- Global Lockdown Strategies (13:42)
- Global Re-opening Strategies (11:00)
- Sunflower Challenge (1:21)
- Lesson Eight: How to Address Inequities in Early Childhood Education
- Lesson Nine: Thinking Outside the Box
- Redefining Curriculum Goals (10:29)
- Exploring Technology (3:49)
- Rethinking Program Approaches (5:07)
- Considering Structural Changes (4:53)
- Lesson Ten: The Future of Early Childhood Education
- Future Demand for Child Care (6:21)
- The Future of Funding (8:09)
- Future Policies (10:02)