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Aesthetics in the Classroom Setting

by Scott Brouette
January/February 2004
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/aesthetics-in-the-classroom-setting/5015542/

My career teaching young children has taken me many wonderful places in this world, but my classroom has remained in a rather institutional setting. As classrooms go the setting that I teach in is typical: white cinder block walls, cold tile floors, and uniformly straight lines (inside at least). The challenge is making this environment softer and more inviting to children, and adults as well, at an affordable cost. My co-teachers and I have tried many different ways to make our classrooms more of a home for the children. We are still enhancing our environment, which I believe should be a continuing process for any team. The key is flexibility; change is good for continued stimulation in any environment, and it’s a fresh outlook on a new school year. I believe change also prepares children for a world that is constantly in transition.


Color is a very powerful medium. It can invoke warmth, happiness, tranquility, excitement, and any number of other moods. Most people have a favorite color or a color that brings back memories from the past. Color can change the entire look and feel of a space.

When someone mentions the color of a space the first thing that comes to ...

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