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Places for Childhoods: Making Quality Happen in the Real World

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Magazine cover

This exceptional book demonstrates how centers can face real-world challenges and make quality care a reality. Special selections authored by recognized child care experts enhance this collection of updated articles written by Jim Greenman for Child Care Information Exchange. Readers will be empowered by new ideas on how to make child care programs work for children, families, and staff.

Table of Contents

I've Been Here So Long It Feels Like There

Chapter 1 - Places for Childhoods

by Lella Gandini

Reconsidering Our Part in the Lives of Children

What Kind of Place Is This?

How Institutional Are YOU?

It's the Real Thing

Children Need to Live in the Real World

What Are Friends For? Reflections of a New-Age Parent

Don't Happy, Be Worried - Connecting Up the Dots

Chapter 2 - A Great Place for Babies

Reflection by Karen Miller

Worlds of Infants and Toddlers

Places for Babies: Infants and Toddlers in Groups

Babies Get Out: Outdoor Settings for Infant/Toddler Care

Reality Bites
Biting at the Center - Part 1

Reality Bites (Frequently)
Biting at the Center - Part 2

Chapter 3 - A Great Place to Learn

by Diane Trister Dodge

Just Wondering: Building Wonder Into the Environment

Learning Environments for Today - Part 1

Learning Environments for Today - Part 2

Where Has All the Science Gone?

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Can't Find It, Can't Get to It, Can't Use It

Chapter 4 - Creating a Wonderful Place to Be a Child

Reflection by Elizabeth Prescott

If I Had a Hammer

"Avoid the Killer Mice" or "Who Put These Outlets Here?"

"So You Want to Build a Building?"
Dancing with Architects and Other Developmental Experiences - Part 1

"So You Want to Build a Building?"
Dancing with Architects and Other Developmental Experiences - Part 2

"So You Want to Build a Building?"
Dancing with Architects and Other Developmental Experiences - Part 3

Why Did It Turn Out This Way?
How Buildings Go Wrong

Of Toys and Stuff

A Guide to Equipping the Developmentally Appropriate Center

Thinking About the Aesthetics of Children's Environments

Chapter 5 - Living in a Very Real Child Care World

by Janet Gonzalez-Mena

Seeing Children: A Question of Perspective

A Question of Perspective: Situationally Disadvantaged

Pillars of Security - Part 1

Pillars of Security: Making Child Care Centers Secure Places - Part 2

Diversity and Conflict: The Whole World Will Never Sing in Perfect Harmony

Living With Diversity: A Memo to All Parents and Staff

Child Care and Early Childhood Education: No "Just" About It

Amidst the Daily Sound and the Fury - What Is Important?

Chapter 6 - Organizational Reality

by Roger Neugebauer

Do You Have a Credibility Gap?

"Jean's Pretty Good, Kind of Affordable, Child Development Center" Versus the Child Care Trilemma

So Long It's Been Good Not So Good to Know You

Of Culture and a Sense of Place

It Seemed to Make Sense at the Time: Stupid Child Care Tricks

Chapter 7 - Places for Childhoods Include Parents, Too

by Anne Stonehouse

Places for Childhoods Includes Parents, Too

Looking for High Ground: Balancing Needs of Children, Staff, and Parents

No Surprises: Reducing Staff-Parent Tension

Managing Expectations: Notes to Parents

Chapter 8 - Training and Change

by Paula Jorde Bloom

Changing Spaces, Making Places

Some Things to Keep in Mind While Trying to Change the World, General Motors, or Your Child Care Program

Final Thoughts
Lurching to the Millennia - OR - Tomorrow Ain't What It Used to Be