Center for Educational Initiatives - Latvia
Program Purpose
The nonprofit organization Center for Education Initiatives (CEI) was established to facilitate a child-centered approach in the educational system of Latvia, and to promote community involvement in educating the new generation.
Program Description
The founders of CEI are Soros Foundation-Latvia, four municipalities and four higher education institutions. The idea of the CEI is to prepare children for living in the changing world, to develop a desire for lifelong education, to explore themselves and their environment, and to be able to: make and accept changes, think analytically and make choices, notice problems and solve them, be creative, take care of society, and be considerate of nature.
The goals of the CEI are:
CEI was formed to maintain the current network of child-centered preschools and primary schools which were involved in the Step by Step project of the Soros Foundation Latvia as a part of an international Step by Step program. That is why one of the strategic goals of the CEI is to maintain the Step by Step program and to develop new ones to serve teachers and parents.
Most Unique Program Feature
The program is wide spread, involving 6700 children of age 1-10 in 78 preschools and 75 primary schools. More than 800 teachers have been trained in the Step by Step methodology since 1997.
The unique position of the Step by Step program in Latvia can be explained by its systemic approach to implementation of educational reform:
Edited by Michael Kalinowski