Progepi (Pedagogical management program for early childhood education) - Brazil

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Project developed at nine public centers
  • Age Served: 0 to 6 years
  • Funding Sources: Local & federal government/Orsa Foundation
  • Presenter: Vera Lucia Anselmi Melis Paulillo
  • Address: Rua Raul Pompeia , 726 apartamento, 71 Pompeia
    São Paulo / SP, Brazil 05025-010
  • Telephone: 55 11 3864 5467
  • Fax: 55 11 3875 1181
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

This program is based on child’s rights, family participation, national guidelines and home made toys, which provide an opportunity to the 2,550 children to play, and learn through play. It was in 1988 that the new Brazilian constitution included education from birth to 3 in our system, giving responsibility to the municipal governments.

Program Description

We proposed to implement what we called Principles of Infancy. The curriculum is based on respect and activities to develop and to live.

The emphases are on: solidarity, autonomy, local culture, diversity among children and their families, building citizenship, exercising solidarity, affectiveness, respecting a history of life, living a joy and a positive self concept. The routine promotes activities articulated with languages, art, and movement and playing. The internal and open areas give to the children space to communicate, create, invent, without depending all the time on teachers. Four dimensions from the environment: functional, spatial, relational and temporal are present on a daily basis.

Families and teachers are invited to build toys, doll houses, market using recyclable materials.

Most Unique Program Feature

Few cities invested in early childhood education for children from birth to 3 years of age. This program is a recognized model. A national award was provided as this is the only city in Brazil that is aware of the curriculum and the right spaces for early childhood. The areas such as health, social and culture are integrated.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski