Little Explorer - Mexico

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Preschool
  • Age Served: 3 to 5 years
  • Funding Sources: IBM & CONAFE (Oficina del Gobierno Federal)
  • Presenter: Rosa Elena Hernandez Moreno
  • Address: Calle Rio Elba, #20
    Pisa 9, Colonia Cuauhtemoc, Mexico D.F. CP065
  • Fax: 52 86 93 92
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

To give boys and girls from 3-5 years in rural areas access to computers with programs that stimulate developmental competency in communication and logical reasoning.

Program Description

In the school year 01-02 CONAFE and IBM joined to integrate the project Little Explorer, which is a combination of equipment, programs, and educational materials of modern technology at the community preschool program.

Seven states from the Republic participated, in particular, the Chiapas, two modules were installed in the locations of Chichima Acapetahua in the town of Comitan and Felipe Angeles in the town of Tzimol. For the 2002-2003 school year the project is developing in seven pertinent communities in the towns of Comitan, La Trinitaria y Tzimol, with which it’s directly benefiting nearly a hundred children between three and six years of age.

Since the coming of the model the Little Explorer at rural areas, the fathers and mothers have participated in the installation. The majority have explored the software along with their sons and daughters. They also already have been involved with the development in the time sharing activities. The project has promoted more communication between mothers, fathers and children. Furthermore, they have shown their children they have a main interest for assisting the preschool. On the other hand, the students have had a more enthusiastic participation in the school. At the same time they have improved the development of abilities and attitudes like cooperation, and offering help to others, respecting turns and the work of others. At the time they have stimulated imagination, creativity, and perception.

Most Unique Program Feature

They tried an innovative program in a rural atmosphere. The use of informative technology still supposedly is a great strength of the infrastructure and the economy. Parents and students have demonstrated a great participation in the project, and have observed interesting results in the development of girls and boys.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski
Translated by Talia Glesner