Child Enrichment Centre (CEC) - Malaysia

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Early childhood, Preschool, Part day care
  • Age Served: 2 to 6 years
  • Funding Sources: Private capital and school fees
  • Presenter: Esther Yong Siew Nget (General Manager of Kindergarten Operations)
  • Address: 15,Jalan 10/105, Taman Midah, 56000
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Telephone: 603-56318437, 6019-2120749
  • Fax: 603-56318439
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Web Site:

Program Purpose

Child Enrichment Centre believes that every child's talents are multi-faceted and thus is committed to develop the "TOTAL CHILD" in children whom are entrusted to us by nurturing their multiple intelligences. Our mission is to "Transform Lives Through R.E.A.L. (Results Enhancing Active Learning) Education.

Program Description

In line with our "TOTAL CHILD CONCEPT", Child Enrichment Centre(CEC) provides a well-balanced Pre-School Education Program known as Pre-school Program (EVP) which enables a child to be developed holistically(academically/socially/ physically/morally).Our objective is to nurture and develop children's potential to the fullest during their peak years of development. Since 1994,CEC has developed and produced its very own pre-school curriculum. The curriculum of CEC adopts a step-by step approach. In addition, it provides an innovative platform for children to develop thinking skills and multiple talents. It is properly conceived, structured and written to create an environment of "Learning Is Fun". The curriculum is taught in a multi-faceted (a variety of activities) manner, and all the teaching steps are distinctly laid out to ensure effective delivery by our teachers. CEC pre-school program caters for children aged 4-6.

Besides, this pre-school program, an Early Childhood Program (ECP) which focuses on "Learning Through Play" is also available for children aged 2-3. The ECP is developed by the in-house R&D team. It is a thematic-based program with multi-faceted learning activities built around 5 learning stations. This program is created with the child's developmental stages in mind. Each lesson is presented to assist the child to explore and experience his environment. The foundation of learning is established with fun-filled learning activities at the Learning Stations.

Most Unique Program Feature

CEC recognizes that each child has his/her own different intelligence and they learn differently one from another. Thus, CEC program is designed based on the "Total Child Concept" to develop the various intelligences to the fullest as well as to address the different learning styles of each child. By adopting the unique Multiple-Intelligences (MI) Approach using multi-faceted teaching methods in the delivery of CEC Program; we are able to achieve the Desired Learning Out-Outcome and that children are able to learn more effectively. CEC subscribes fully to the objective of nurturing the TOTAL CHILD by providing a well-balanced holistic curricular and co-curricular program.

The pre-school program in CEC undergoes an upgrading exercise every 4-5 years. The current program / curriculum is our 3rd revised edition. Apart from the effort put in to constantly improving and upgrading of our program, CEC also provides continuous "In-house Training" sessions for our teachers in order to equip them with the skills and update them with the latest teaching technologies. The "In-house Training" is conducted for all teachers at least twice yearly.

CEC's vision is to become "The Most Outstanding and Sought After Provider of Educational Services". With the ISO 9001/2000 accreditation, CEC is recognized as a group of kindergartens with quality management system and services beside its outstanding Pre-school program.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski