Campus Kindergarten - Australia

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Full Day Child Care and Kindergarten
  • Age Served: 3 to 5 years
  • Funding Sources: Commonwealth Government of Australia Education Queensland
  • Presenter: Megan Gibson, Anissa Eglington, Felicity McArdle and Lyn Bryant
  • Address: College Road, University of Queensland
    Brisbane, Australia
  • Telephone: (07) 3365 4419
  • Fax: (07) 3365 4420
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

Ways of Seeing and Speaking With Children: A view of one early childhood centre and the co-construction of knowledge.

Program Description

We would like to share our thinking about teacher-child interactions at Campus Kindy. Participants in this session will be invited to examine and discuss shared experiences of practice that aims to promote the co-construction of knowledge.

The presentation will incorporate a video that captures some of the experiences at Campus Kindergarten in Brisbane, Australia. As is the case with any shared viewing, a number of readings will be possible. In particular, we will focus on the interactions between adults and children, children and children, and the ways in which the children and adults act as co-constructors of knowledge.

Related issues that may be raised in the readings of this video include:

  • the power relationships that exist in classrooms
  • the discursive construction of the child and pedagogy
  • children's rights
  • advocacy
  • teacher training

Most Unique Program Feature

Campus Kindergarten is an early childhood community that is reflective in their thinking about children and programming. Teachers, parents and children question and challenge one another and the programs are continually evolving so as to reflect current thinking and ideas.

Integral to the programs are RIGHTS. Within the Campus Kindergarten community all people have rights, including children, families, teachers and all visitors within our centre.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski