Learning Vision - Singapore


  • Type of Program: Full Day Child Care, with preschool education incorporated
  • Age Served: 2 months to 6 years
  • Funding Sources: Private
  • Presenter: Rabiatul Adawiah (Director)
  • Address: 193B Goldhill Centre Thomson Road
  • Telephone: 356 9527
  • Fax: 372 0480
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Description

Learning Vision centres provide a creative, integrated and hands-on learning experience for children. Our team of qualified early childhood professionals, guided by an experienced Consultant, has developed a curriculum that is both comprehensive and intellectually challenging. Its primary aim is to develop a dynamic child with strong moral values and passion for learning. Our curriculum responds to a child's needs through the progressive acquisition of the skills required to facilitate and promote readiness to enter the mainstream of our educational system. In addition, it adopts an innovative approach that emphasizes on the development of creative-thinking skills, and social-emotional intelligence. It includes an integrated language arts programme, discovery maths, experiential science, moral education and physical activities. We also incorporate multimedia computer-aided learning, speech & drama, music appreciation and creative arts, as part of our curriculum.

Our Integrated Language Arts Programme combines art, stories, language activities and discovery experiences to bring meaning to the learning of the alphabet, reading and writing.
To develop a child's reading competence and confidence at an early age, we implemented Scholastics Wiggleworks Reading Programme. The proven developmentally appropriate reading programme also helps to promote a love for reading from a tender age. Our activity-based Language Studies Programme for Mother Tongue Languages in turn provides fun and effective ways of learning through proven techniques such as songs, stories and movement.

We adopt the language-based Rigby Maths programme which provides a variety of innovative and stimulating activities that makes mathematics fun and challenging. Our developmentally-appropriate Hands-on Math curriculum extends multiple opportunities for exploring, developing, describing and applying mathematics. We incorporate Computer-Aided Learning as one of the many tools in teaching our children. These one-to-one interactive CAL sessions, which are provided for English, Mandarin, Mathematics and Science, develops our children into technologically-sophisticated individuals. Our specially selected range of developmentally-appropriate software reinforce basic conceptual skills taught in class.

Our innovative curriculum also incorporates Social and Emotional Intelligence Programme. This unique programme equips our children with essential skills that will enable them to excel in life, as well as to function successfully and adapt with flexibility to the demands of an ever-changing world.

Our Speech & Drama classes conducted by trained professionals, fosters the development of self-confidence and better communication skills. They help to develop clarity in pronunciation and accuracy in speech as well as encourage children's spontaneous facial and vocal expressions. Our Music and Movement programme incorporates songs, movement, dramatisation, and music appreciation, which encourage children to discover music in a fun and meaningful way.

To make learning a joyful experience, we incorporate Experiential Science into our programme that allows children to learn through exploration of their environment through activities like experiments, cookery and field trips.

Most Unique Program Feature

Learning Vision believes in nurturing and developing a child not only for formal schooling, but more importantly in equipping the child with the skills as well as moral values for LIFE. Having the right hardware and software makes this possible. At Learning Vision, hardware means a creative curriculum and a stimulating environment. Traditional areas of learning such as language arts, maths and science lay the foundation for mainstream education whilst innovative programmes such as social-emotional intelligence, music, computer-aided learning and drama make learning more exciting. In a bright, conducive, safe and clean environment, children are inspired to learn.

Software to us involves visionary leaders, professional educators and supportive parents. Learning Vision invests in people - a comprehensive training & development plan is drawn up, implemented and monitored for each staff, ensuring that they are kept abreast with the latest developments and best practices in early childhood education. 90% of the staff are trained and over 70% have Intermediate qualifications and above.

Recognising the importance of home-school partnership, our centres conduct extensive parent-involvement activities, parent-teacher conferences, parent education seminars, as well as provide a central parent resource library.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski