Young Starters Program - Australia

Program Image


  • Type of Program: School based program for children legally entitled to enroll in school but generally been considered too young.
  • Age Served: 4 years and 6 months to 5 years
  • Funding Sources: State Government funds
  • Presenter: Laurie Tabart (District Superintendent, Newcastle)
  • Address: Cnr. Glebe & Brunker Rds.
    Adamstown, New South Wales, Australia 2291
  • Telephone: 61 2 49043913
  • Fax: 61 2 49043950
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

Young Starters classes provide children aged usually between 4.5 and 5 years with an integrated, developmentally appropriate school program that facilitates a smooth transition and orientation for students entering school.

Program Description

The program meets the needs of students through early childhood play-based teaching and learning practices in a school context. The program builds on the students’ interests to move them toward benchmark outcomes for the foundation years of schooling. It was established to provide for students who have needs beyond that addressed by pre-school and regarded as not socially mature enough to commence a formal school program. The program is seen by some teachers as a very valuable way of commencing the transition to school for students from a disadvantaged background. The expectation is that most students in this program then progress to the first year of schooling (Kindergarten in NSW), although this is a decision for their parents in consultation with the school. Some students who are very advanced in their skills may progress to the second year of schooling (Year 1 in NSW).

The program appears to have been particularly successful with boys. The teachers and parents report that the boys adapt more readily to formal schooling as a result of this program. Nevertheless, to substantiate this claim further research needs to be conducted. The program has been operating for about seven years. It commenced in one school and extended to five schools during that time in response to parental demand. Recently, the Reggio Emilia approach to education has begun to impact on the delivery of the Young Starters Program through the interest shown in this approach by a teacher at one of the schools.

Most Unique Program Feature

The program supports a flexible approach to teaching young students that encourages them to develop and grow from their own experiences rather than imposing a set structured curriculum. The additional year in a creative play situation prior to a more formalized classroom situation assists the students’ transition to and preparation for formal schooling. The program also addressed areas of disadvantage and special learning needs of students. This approach, led by trained and committed early childhood specialists, is challenging the traditional concept that all students need a structured and sequential experience of literacy and numeracy from day one of Kindergarten.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski