Early Child Care and Development - Nigeria
Program Purpose
Program Description
The ECCD programme in Nigeria is a low-cost community-based initiative for the care and development of children aged 0-6 years based on the affirmation that "learning begins at birth", ant the scientific evidence that key-wiring elements in the brain are formed by the age of six years, the Nigerian government in collaboration with UNICEF made ECCD a bedrock of its basic education programme. Also the world declaration on the survival, protection and development of children in 1990, and the world conference on education for all in 1990 also emphasizes most urgent priorities to ensure access to, and improve the quality of education for all children. The ECCD programme was initially started in ten states and later extended to nineteen states to cater for children whose parents cannot afford formal day care and nursery school education in the rural and urban-poor communities. The ECCD adopted varied and multi-sectional non-formal approaches based on needs and to ensure coverage on a large scale. These approaches include:
To date, the ECCD programme has achieved the following:
Development of an appropriate child-friendly learning/educational
materials, such as curricula, pre-school readers, training manuals,
an ECCD textbook and a simplified text for care-givers. Development
and pilot-testing of a child assessment battery to establish developmental
norms for Nigerian children.
Most Unique Program Feature
The ECCD project seeks to promote the holistic development of children from 0-6 years of age through improved health, nutrition, socio-emotional and psycho-motor development activities which is home/community-based. Community participation and partnership through parental education, empowerment and capacity building. Community participation in the development of locally-sourced toys and educational materials. Linkages between ECCD facilities and primary schools to promote preparedness of children for school, and school for children.
Edited by Michael Kalinowski