Quality Assessments by the Use of the Ecers - Sweden

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Preschool and program Evaluation
  • Age Served: 3 to 5 years
  • Funding Sources: The International Program Office for the Educational Field
  • Presenter: Yvonne Soderlund, Ulrica Ericson, Yvonne Holmgren (Pre-school teachers)
  • Address: Glimmervägen 2
    Alunda, Sweden 747 31
  • Telephone: 46 174 710 19
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

To work with the Ecers in pre-school settings in rural districts.

Program Description

To present how three rural districts in Sweden decided to use the method Ecers to make the best possible achievements for development, evaluation and follow-up. This represents a high quality development model that can make comparisons over time but also between different pre-schools.

Our goals are:

  • To visualize and achieve a higher quality standard through internal and external evaluation from the knowledge of what good quality is.
  • To give the staff of the pre-schools and their leaders better possibilities to formulate their needs of - and to provide further education.
  • To increase the staffs' professional role and competence in using this evaluation method as an instrument to make visible the staff's work with the children, and to make them see in what way they are a part of that.
  • To make them able to express and define what is good about their work and feel proud of that as well as to see what is not so good and be able to improve.
  • To achieve a maximum standard of good environment for development and learning for every individual.
  • To increase the co-operation between these three rural-districts and take advantage of - and develop our total competence.

We will also talk about our new curriculum for the pre-schools of Sweden. Our work will have a direct connection with the content and quality demands of our curriculum, and the effort all our pre-schools are making to formulate their own working-plans and methods for evaluation and follow-up.

Most Unique Program Feature

The most unique feature is the co-operation between three districts. We have found it very valuable that we visit each other's districts and work with the staff there. We can come with an open mind and no prejudice because we don't know anything in advance about them and they don't know anything about us either. Therefore, we can openly share both the differences and similarities between our pre-schools.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski