Step By Step - Serbia and Montenegro

Program Image


  • Type of Program: Primary School Program
  • Age Served: 6 to 10 years
  • Funding Sources: Open Society Institute New York
  • Presenter: Sasa Milic (Country Director)
  • Address: Bul. Lenjina 25/ V
    81000 Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro
  • Telephone: (381) 81 248 668
  • Fax: (381) 81 248 667
  • Email: [email protected]

Program Purpose

The main goal or purpose of the Step by Step Program is to create child centered classrooms.

Program Description

Step by Step is continued dialogue among the experts from USA and Western Europe and experts from Central and Eastern Europe aimed at consolidating the best theoretical and practical knowledge experiences with children recognizing the traditional and cultural values of each country. Step by Step Program provides a thoughtful answer to radical changes occurring in social relationship, science and technology by setting the foundation for building the attitudes and knowledge which are considered as crucial for current and challenges in the 21st century. It was established in 1994. as a Pre-school Program in 13 countries, and today is developed as innovative program in 26 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, for the following educational levels:

  • Pre school educational institutions
  • Primary schools
  • Schools and Universities that prepare teachers

The Open Society Institute of Montenegro and the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro cooperatively realize Step by Step Program in Montenegro. The program titled "Kindergarten as a Family Center" was started in September 1994. in two Montenegrin Pre-school institutions (Podgorica and Herceg-Novi) in which were created model centers for preschools. In September 2000. and February 2001, we established Step by Step Programs in two more Preschool institutions (Niksic and Budva). In February 2000, we also started implementation of the program at the primary level and now we have 20 Primary Schools. The Step by Step Program spreads across Montenegro.

Most Unique Program Feature

There are several unique features to this program, including individualized teaching, which respects children's psychophysical and social developmental levels, family culture, gender and temperament, and interests; active learning in pairs and small groups; and a stimulating learning environment organized through the activity centers with experience learning, interaction with adults, peers and materials. Additionally, the possibility of children's choices concerning content, form and learning methods; cooperative learning which achieves better understanding of differences and develops the sense of community and belonging; thematic and project planning of curriculum, which considers integration of syllabus of different subjects providing long-term and more qualitative knowledge; a partnership with families' active parent involvement in educational process; and authentic and continuous assessment are other strong program features.

Edited by Michael Kalinowski