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The Value of First Impressions

"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate--you know somebody's fingers have been all over it." - Julia Child

The Value of First Impressions

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Once made, that impression sticks whether it represents reality or not. When an enrollment prospect visits your center, they form a first impression of you within about 4 minutes, beginning from the time they drive up, see your sign, park and walk up to your door. The image in their minds based on that impression has a strong influence on their enrollment buying decision.

Imagine your prospects entering your center through "sensory gateways."  What they see, smell, and hear forms perceptions of the quality of your center compared to others they have visited. How can you make sure these first impressions are favorable?

To learn the answer, go to the new Marketing Exchange feature at our web site,  Here you can view the full tip sheet "The Impact of First Impressions On Center Visit Enrollment Decisions."  This tip sheet was prepared for Exchange by marketing guru Julie Wassom and is the first of her monthly marketing features for Exchange.  You will also be invited to submit your ideas on how your prospects' first impressions influenced them to enroll in your center.

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