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Seven Deadly Sins of Supervision

"It is very hard to be simple enough to be good." - Ralph Waldo Emerson in Journals

Seven Deadly Sins of Supervision

Writing in Success! magazine (April 1987) James K. Van Fleet, a consultant on managerial motivation techniques, identifies these common supervisory mistakes...

1.  Trying to be liked rather than respected.
2.  Not asking your subordinates for their advice and help.
3.  Not developing a sense of responsibility in your subordinates, and not expecting it from your peers.
4.  Emphasizing rules rather than skills among your employees, and thwarting personal talent.
5.  Not keeping criticism constructive.
6.  Ignoring employee complaints.
7.  Keeping people uninformed -- not respecting their right to know.

For more indepth advice on improving your supervisory skills, check out the 86 related articles in Exchange Online Articles.  Type in the keyword "supervision" when you go to:

You will have access to articles such as the following:

"Coping With the Chronic Complainer" by Roger Neugebauer

"Helping Teachers Grow: Separating Competency from Compensation" by Kay Albrecht

"Are You a Codependent Director? We love, we care, we share - too much?" by Anne M. Broussard

"What Do Teachers Need Most From Their Directors?" by Margie Carter

"What to Expect When Staff Is Expecting - Developing a pregnancy plan" by Lisa Peterangelo

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