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What Qualities Do You Claim?

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
Jane Goodall, English primatologist and anthropologist

As we welcome in the new year, we celebrate each of you and the ways you uniquely build a better world for children, families and your own teams. Spoiler alert! Here's an excerpt from the January 3 entry in Nancy Rosenow's book, Encouragement Every Day:

"Every morning I open a small box filled with 'quality cards' that list attributes such as courage, gentleness, strength, humility or creativity. On some days I pull a card at random and think about what that particular quality might mean for me. On other days I choose a quality that I want to cultivate. This simple exercise has been powerful. As Jane Goodall’s quote reminds me, I get to decide how I’ll make a difference with my life. I get to choose how I’ll show up in the world each day. Focusing on how I want to BE, not just what I want to DO is a game-changer."

For inspiration, check out the book, Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education, in which each of the contributors has chosen their own quality to frame their story:

Rooted: Theressa Lenear
Authentic: Jerletha Mcdonald
Defining: Cynthia Davis-Vanloo
Determined: Joyce Jackson
Limitless: Nadiyah Taylor
Reassurance: Brandy James
Passion: Rukia Rogers
Rebirth: Crystal Sanford-Brown
Intersectionality: Meghan L. Green
Resolute: Olga Lacayo
Planted: Kelly Ramsey
Resilience: Alissa Mwenelupembe

What qualities do you claim? Share yours in our Insta-Poll and we'll share back a word cloud with all your responses.

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