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By the Children’s Love for Bubbles

Young children are meaning makers. They are born with an innate and insatiable need to acquire experiences and gain understandings.
A. A. Milne, Not That It Matters

Our team at Exchange was captivated by this recent sharing from the Highlander School, Atlanta, Georgia, a thoughtful documentation and reflection of infants deeply engaging and exploring water and bubbles.

We watched with delight as the children explored the gift of water on a hot day. Our days are increasingly hot!

Keiran beautifully described the story as it unfolded:

By the children’s love for bubbles and their ever-present desire to splash in water, we offered them an opportunity to engage their whole bodies in wet, bubbly fun! We filled up bowls of varying sizes with soapy water and set out different kinds of scoops and tools for the children to use however they desired. Immediately they began splashing, transferring the water between bowls, dumping it on their bodies, stirring it with whisks, and using their hands to lift bubbles out of the water and examine them up close. Shrieks and giggles and shouts conveyed their joy and delight in being wet and soapy, and they all enthusiastically signed “more” whenever the bowls started to look empty. Staying cool in the Georgia summer heat has never been so fun!

Grateful for this reflection, the moment and to Nicole for capturing the moment!

And we are grateful to all programs, like the Highlander School in Atlanta, who believe in and support the creativity, wonder and competence of young children.

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