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You Might Be a Weird Parent (or Caregiver)

Encounters between children and adults are characterized by the joy of the time spent together. And each of them does their best to contribute to that in their own way!
Agnes Szanto-Feder, psychologist and 'Pikler baby'

Recently, early childhood advocate Janet Lansbury pondered some "weird" caregiving qualities that she wishes weren't so weird after all:

So, are you a weird parent too?

And what would you put on a list of weird caregiving qualities you wish were the new 'normal?'

On another note, in response to our quote on July 10, Melani Ladygo pointed out this much older quote by Confucian philosopher Xun Kuang, 312-230 BC:

"Not having heard something is not as good as having heard it; having heard it is not as good as having seen it; having seen it is not as good as knowing it; knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice."

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