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Nature Preschools in the United States: Results of a New National Survey

Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.
Jimmy Carter, former US president

The Natural Start Alliance has just released a comprehensive national survey of nature preschools in the United States. They note that nature-based preschools have expanded rapidly in the last decade. While celebrating that nature preschools are serving more multiple language learners and more children with disabilities than in the past, and that men and gender non-conforming staff are better represented in nature preschools than other types of preschools, the report expresses concerns about equity: “Children who are Black or Latino are less likely to enroll in nature preschools, while children who are White are more likely, and this trend has not improved significantly since 2017. The racial and ethnic makeup of educators in nature preschools mirrors that of children.”

They suggest, “To promote continued, and more equitable, growth in nature preschools, the Natural Start Alliance calls for licensing outdoor preschools, along with more support for professional training and professional networks for nature-based educators. Because nature preschools are leading the way in demonstrating the effectiveness of early childhood nature-based education, continued growth in these programs can help shift our systems to bring the benefits of nature-based education into every program, for every child.”

Reminder: June 29 is International Mud Day! Enjoy the mud any way you wish, and share your plans, stories and photos with the hashtag #wfmudday so we can follow along!

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