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Celebrating the CARE in Early Care and Education

Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.
Oprah Winfrey

The latest Exchange Reflections would be a great one to share with a staff, or college students, or even to reflect upon by yourself in a quiet setting. It’s based on a beautiful article by Lynette Haley O’Stewart and Carol Garboden Murray, author of the new book, Illuminating Care. They write about a wonderful day spent with Nel Noddings, an American philosopher and educational researcher in the field of care ethics. They enjoyed inspiring conversations about the importance of care as an integral part of education. These conversations formed the foundation of their article. They explained: 
"In ‘The Challenge to Care in Schools,’ Noddings asked the question, ‘Can we make caring the center of our educational efforts?’ (Noddings, 1992)."

O’Stewart and Murray shared this thought from Noddings:

"You can explain that you are not just emphasizing care because you are working with little kids, but because care is a relational model for learning, because it applies to the whole life span, and is central to human development."

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