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Celebrating Care

If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.
Gail Sheehy

I can’t stop re-reading Carol Garboden Murray’s terrific new book, Illuminating Care. Carol expresses so beautifully many of the things so many of us believe about the nobility of the early childhood field. Whether we work directly with young children or support the people who do, we know in our hearts that our children deserve dedicated adults in their lives who celebrate the privilege of offering love through care.

It occurs to me that all of us could do more to express our PRIDE in our work. We can advocate through letters to the editor or to politicians. We can also educate others through informal conversations...with friends, family members, neighbors. Do others really understand the importance of the caring relationships educators form with young children? Do they understand that care offered with love nurtures compassionate children who will become adults who have the power to create a more compassionate world?

What could be more important?

I’d love it if you would share with me, in the comments, about ways you are celebrating and advocating for excellent care.

With gratitude,
Nancy Rosenow
Exchange Publisher,
on behalf of our entire team

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