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4 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.
Simon Sinek, "Start with Why"

Robert Schaffer, in his article "4 Mistakes Leaders Keep Making" in Harvard Business Review, identified these mistakes leaders make that block positive organizational change:

Failing to set proper expectations. Leaders announce shifts in goals or direction without spelling out specifics, or identifying who's accountable, or setting clear deadlines.  

Excusing team members from the pursuit of overall goals.  Managers allow employees to focus narrowly on their departments or units, and so responsibility for organization-wide performance gets "delegated" upward.

Colluding with experts and consultants.  Leaders permit experts to deliver solutions without assuming responsibility for their outcomes.

Waiting while associates prepare, prepare, prepare
.  Endless preparation gives the illusion of progress but ultimately gets in the way.

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