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Parents As Advocates

"Nature has given us two ears but only one mouth." - Benjamin Disraeli


The September 2003 issue of the professional journal of Zero to Three included an article by Bernice Weissbroud and Joan Lombardi, "The Promise of Parents as Advocates," in which they concluded...

"Parent voice is growing.  Parents are mobilizing in communities across the United States to change conditions for themselves and their children.  Professionals are assisting lay people in learning the language of policy and advocacy, of governance and decision-making.  Policymakers and government officials, foundations, and national nonprofit organizations are realizing the importance of parents becoming involved in -- and leading -- efforts to change communities.  Parent voices can ensure that public policy promotes rather than undermines family life...

"The promise and potential of unifying parent voices into a national parent voice that can wield the same kind of power and influence that senior citizens do through AARP remains an elusive but inspiring necessity.  Many continue to dare to dream and articulate the vision of a national parent organization.  Who knows how that dream will be realized and how the goal will be accomplished?  As the digital divide narrows and the reach of the Internet expands, perhaps the unification will occure virtually.  Perhaps a national organization will emerge that has as its mission leveraging, celebrating, and highlighting local efforts.

"A map of the United States today indicating where parents are organizing would have dots in local communities and in all states across the nation.  When parents recognize the power they have and connect those dots, our country will be a far better place for children."

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