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Children At Risk In Drought in India

"We believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if we could." - William James


World Forum Alliance member Christian Children's Fund files this urgent report on India:

"Water is currently at a premium for 100 million people in India suffering from the third consecutive year of the most severe drought the country has witnessed in 100 years. Underground water tables have reached critically low levels depleting water sources in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat - 31,000 villages in 31 of Rajasthan's 32 districts are hard-hit, while 12,240 villages in 22 of Gujarat's 25 districts are affected.

"International relief agencies report a 50% loss of livestock for drought regions with 34 million remaining cattle currently at risk in Rajasthan.  CCF has been working with the most vulnerable communities in India, positively impacting the lives of a million children, since 1966. Much of that progress, however, is currently threatened by prolonged drought conditions.

"Rivers and shallow wells that previously supplied water to CCF communities have dried up. Accessing water from available sources has become a difficult task that takes women up to hours each day - where water can be found. In the Bhavnagar region of Gujarat, families can access water only once a week.

"Survival has become a critical issue.

"CCF India and their project partners in drought affected regions have developed comprehensive plans to carry communities through the current crisis with a wide range of short and long-term water interventions. These interventions will improve water access, build food security and develop sustainable water systems for 130,000 people in affected. Included are plans to:

- Deepen existing wells
- Repair water-harvesting systems and construct water tanks and catchment systems
- Dig new wells
- Install hand pumps
- Build contour bonding irrigation systems, trenches and check dams
- Level agricultural land
- Develop farm ponds and plant trees.

To learn more about this crisis and to find out how you can help CCF in their efforts, go to:

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