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Keys to Creating Positive Realities

People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing.
John Porter

Why do some people seem to be “experts at creating positive realities…” asks Shawn Achor in his New York Times bestseller, Before Happiness. “They are the ones who discover ways around the obstacles that seem most insurmountable, the ones who solve the problems that seem most intractable…It’s not that they don’t see the negative realities in the world, its’s that they also see they have the ability to do something about them…Only once we can see and construct a reality in which we have the power to create positive change – one in which our behavior matters – can we truly summon and utilize the entirety of our brain’s abilities and intelligences to achieve ever-greater success and happiness.”

And in an Exchange magazine article, “The Five Commitments of Optimistic Leaders,” Judy Jablon wrote that one of these commitments is optimism, explaining that “instead of ‘thinking positive,’ we can focus on a path forward and have conviction that when the inevitable obstacles occur, they can be hurdled with analysis and persistence. Think of optimism as the light at the end of the tunnel, rather than a smiley face.” 

Urban Infant - Trouble Getting Your Toddlers to Nap?

Kaplan - Outdoor Learning.

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