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Centers Face the Flu Epidemic

"An idea isn't responsible for the people who believe in it." - Don Marquis


Karen Stephens reports to us that participants in the National Coalition of Campus Children's Center's list serv are reporting high absenteeism in their centers (20% to 48%) due to the flu outbreak. Many directors are seeking guidance on how to proceed -- should they close, should they urge slightly ill children to stay home, should they take other preventive measures at the school. 

Recently Exchange was contacted by the Wall Street Journal about the impact of flu on early childhood programs. We had Exchange Panel of 300 members contact the Journal to share their stories and a number of stories did appear in the December 11 article "On the Front Lines of Flu Fight: Schools." For example, William Grant, CEO of Hildebrandt Learning Centers was cited as requiring staff to wear latex gloves for wiping noses and passing out food. So far this seems to be working as only one Hildrebrandt staff member in 30 centers has called in sick with the flu.

We invite you to share the policies and procedures your organization has in place to deal with the flu epidemic. The Challenge for the Month on is dealing with the flu epidemic. We invite you to go to our web site and share your ideas and read the solutions others have shared. It will take a day or two to build up a long list of ideas, so keep checking in.

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